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  1. sharaw20

    Help I have a skunk

    So I have trapped a skunk lol. It wasn't in the trap when my husband left for work at 4:30 am. And now My husband has gone to work now. And it's in the trap. And I know I won't be able to do the dirty job lol. Would the best thing todo be just cover it with a tarp until he gets home from work...
  2. sharaw20

    Help I have a skunk

    I don't think he was eating the chicken feed as it was in a large garbage bin. Once it would be in there it would have been hard for him to get out. But what else might work. I have a bunch or starting to go bad veggies. Would that work
  3. sharaw20

    Help I have a skunk

    I don't know if I have those bugs or not. We are in Ontario. Between Toronto and Ottawa. I have a friend bringing over a trap so I am hoping to catch it tonight. Should I put a can of tuna or sardines or some eggs in the trap. What will it make it come into a trap. I have trapped raccoons before...
  4. sharaw20

    Help I have a skunk

    I would like to trap and relocate. I just hate killing animals that I'm not doing anything with. But if that's my only option I will have my husband deal with it lol. We are in the country. We did have a trap but gave it back to my fil who has now lent it out to someone else lol.
  5. sharaw20

    Help I have a skunk

    So the other day I went out to feed my chickens and thought I would clean my shed up. Which has all my straw and chicken feed. Well there was a skunk living in my shed. I got it out but I know it's hanging around. I haven't let my chickens out of their run as I am afraid of the skunk. My husband...
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