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  1. LittleMissCountry


    Thank you for the info!
  2. LittleMissCountry


    Funny about the worms! Mine haven't yet figured that out. They should have plenty once this rain is over. We have had heavy, continuous rain for almost four days now!
  3. LittleMissCountry


    Thank you! With all the storms we are having, I am sure the tree trimmers will be busy, so maybe I can find one that will dump a load at my house
  4. LittleMissCountry


    Right now I just have dried leaves, pine needles, grass clippings, and twigs. I can check around for wood chips...there are tons of lumber companies around. So are there any types of wood I should avoid?
  5. LittleMissCountry


    Thank you. If it ever stops raining today, or at least lessens, I will try to scoop up feed. I will see if the chickens spread it out, and then add more leaves/pine needles once they dry out a little. I saw in another thread someone suggested putting compressed pine horse bedding pellets in to...
  6. LittleMissCountry


    Good to know it is okay for them to stand in the rain! Thank you. The drainage should be good in usual rainfall. Most rain showers the run floor stays completely dry. This deluge for days on end is ridiculous. So quick question...their feeder got soaked and dumped a bunch of feed out. It also...
  7. LittleMissCountry


    Good luck! I hope your yard doesn't flood. We don't have standing water in many places, since our whole property has a gradual slope down to a river at the end of the property line. Water drains really well, but these heavy downpours have made for some flash flooding!
  8. LittleMissCountry


    Hurricane is totally different situation. I would probably feel the same way!
  9. LittleMissCountry


    My husband would not let me bring them into the house. I can picture his face now if I suggested that. :gig Worst case scenario, we bring them up to the back porch and keep them in a temporary structure.
  10. LittleMissCountry


    Yes, this rain is crazy! 3 inches overnight, according to our rain gauge. Luckily the run seems to be draining well again. The poor chickens are not getting out much this week.
  11. LittleMissCountry


    The rain slacked a little and I went out to check and no more standing water! Yay! Hopefully it will drain quickly.
  12. LittleMissCountry


    We have had heavy rain for three days now. We have been under a flood warning since last night. My coop/run has drained well until last night. It is on a slope, in a stand of trees, with a drainage pipe running under the stand of trees. However, we had so much rain last night that the run had...
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