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  1. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Well, a little late for Week 3 pics, but here they are! 3 weeks, 4 days.... #1- Red Band (Wheaten? Girl) This baby was FREAKING OUT while I tried to take her pics. I ended up having to hold her. She's the only one (out of 25 babies) that had to be held still for her pics. What a spazz 🙄 #2-...
  2. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Yeah, I'm about 95% sure the Yellow and Pink are boys. They just seem so splotchy and different from the others, not to mention they're both large and have those thick legs. Pretty sure they're boys. It's all the others I don't know about because there could very possibly be a splash boy lurking...
  3. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Week 2 pics incoming! Seemed to take FOREVER to get good pics of all of them. Worked up a sweat and got a few mosquito bites in the process (they're in the big coop in a sectioned off area now). But here they are! Tried to take them in the same order so we could have some consistency. New pics...
  4. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Starting to have my first suspicions about gender. The Blue Band baby tried to fight my finger today, lol. Bowed up its little chest and pecked at me. First sign of any sort of sassy behavior from anyone. Just wanted to make note of it. They're already starting to get more tail feathers and the...
  5. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    So, I ended up having to retake the pics for the Wheatens. They came out all looking like different birds in every photo. It was so weird. So I took them out on the porch where there's shade and got much better pics. Here they are! 1 week old... #1- Red Band #2- Yellow Band #3- Green...
  6. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    All my eggs came from Rachel at Gypsy Hen Poultry in OK. She's got great birds and I will be ordering more from her soon. Here's her website link:
  7. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Hi! I just recently hatched out 6 BBS Wheaten Ameraucana chicks and decided to make a thread tracking their progress. I will be taking weekly pictures, starting tomorrow at 1 week of age. My hope is that I'm able to pinpoint some early ways of detecting gender and just to follow each individual...
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