BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly


9 Years
Mar 20, 2015
Hi! I just recently hatched out 6 BBS Wheaten Ameraucana chicks and decided to make a thread tracking their progress. I will be taking weekly pictures, starting tomorrow at 1 week of age. My hope is that I'm able to pinpoint some early ways of detecting gender and just to follow each individual birds' progress. I also have a separate thread for both my Silver Ams and BBS Ams if you'd like to check those out. Thanks for joining in if you do, and welcome! See you tomorrow with our first pics!
So, I ended up having to retake the pics for the Wheatens. They came out all looking like different birds in every photo. It was so weird. So I took them out on the porch where there's shade and got much better pics. Here they are! 1 week old...

#1- Red Band
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#2- Yellow Band
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#3- Green Band...I think this baby may be clean faced. Or just heterozygous for the muff/beard gene. Dunno yet. Guess we'll see when she feathers out better. Also has the lightest wing feathers so far! Maybe a splash...? Never had a splash wheaten before!
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#4- Blue Band
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#5- Purple Band...The lightest baby. Probably my favorite, color-wise. She was impossible to take pics of though, zooming everywhere.
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#6- Pink Band
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There you have it! 6 lovely babies I can't tell apart AT ALL!!! lol I'm really hoping as they get bigger they'll get easier to tell apart. There's one or two that are a tiny bit different, but not really. If you have any questions or comments, bring 'em on! Until next time!
Starting to have my first suspicions about gender. The Blue Band baby tried to fight my finger today, lol. Bowed up its little chest and pecked at me. First sign of any sort of sassy behavior from anyone. Just wanted to make note of it. They're already starting to get more tail feathers and the feathers on the top of their wings at the shoulder. Found some on a couple of them today. They're growing so fast! 😍
Week 2 pics incoming! Seemed to take FOREVER to get good pics of all of them. Worked up a sweat and got a few mosquito bites in the process (they're in the big coop in a sectioned off area now). But here they are! Tried to take them in the same order so we could have some consistency. New pics starting this week will include face/comb shots, which were darn near impossible to get my phone camera to focus on. But I got them!

#1- Red Band
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#2- Yellow Band (first suspected cockerel. Has very splotchy wings and I believe is a wheaten or blue wheaten boy) Pretty sure this one is blue wheaten...
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#3- Green Band
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#4- Blue Band
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#5- Purple Band
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#6- Pink Band (2nd suspected cockerel. Again, splotchy wings and may be either wheaten or blue wheaten) Pretty sure this guy's a wheaten...
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Comb pic is kinda blurry on this one. Could not get my camera to focus AT ALL.

I think the 3rd one I was keeping an eye on was the Blue Band baby, but now that I see these pics, it looks the same as all the other suspected pullets, so idk. But if I did indeed get 2 boys and 4 girls, I would be over the moon! That is the perfect ratio I was hoping for and can't wait til I know for sure, although I think it's pretty clear that 2 are boys at this point. If there is another boy in there, he's hiding well. What do you guys think?
I am not good at judging gender, and I say this because I had a BBS blue boy under my nose for 15 weeks before I figured it out. With that said, I think the legs on the pink one seems large.
Yeah, I'm about 95% sure the Yellow and Pink are boys. They just seem so splotchy and different from the others, not to mention they're both large and have those thick legs. Pretty sure they're boys. It's all the others I don't know about because there could very possibly be a splash boy lurking somewhere in there and we just can't see him yet. Still, if I get at least 3 girls, I'll be very happy indeed.

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