BBS Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly


9 Years
Mar 20, 2015
Hi everyone! I just hatched out 6 beautiful BBS Ameraucana chicks and have decided to track their growth on here with pics. I'm hoping doing this will help discover some early indicators of gender and we'll be able to track each birds' progress, from chicks to maturity. I'll be sharing weekly pics til they are fully mature and my breeders have been selected. Pics will start tomorrow at 1 week of age, all will be taken in natural light, and I can't wait to see how these babies grow and develop into lovely grown birds! So feel free to follow along on our journey. I will also have a thread for both my Silver Ameraucanas and my BBS Wheaten Ameraucanas. See you tomorrow with our first round of glamor shots!
Well, here they are! Our 1 week pics!

#1- Red Band (Splash)
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#2- Yellow Band (Blue) This was the last baby born and her shell was stuck to her so she needed to be assisted. I call her "Shelly"
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#3- Green Band (Blue)
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#4- Blue Band (Splash)
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#5- Purple Band (Splash) This baby was born with a wonky eye. It's been swollen since she hatched. She's automatically disqualified from being a breeder, obviously, but she's gonna be in the layer flock (if female) and she's grown on me, so we're tracking her progress too. Her name is "Eye-Rene" lol.
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#6- Pink Band (Black?) This baby is either the darkest Blue ever, or Black. Looks Black to me, which is great cuz I wanted at least 1 of each color.
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Well, that's it for Week 1!!! Whew! Lemme tell you was hot as heck out there! We darn near all died from it. Came back inside as soon as we were done with our photo shoot. Glad that's done with. Can't wait to see how much progress our babies make in the next week. Feel free to comment on them if you want. Anything interesting you guys are seeing yet?
Will be making sure to take comb pics this coming week, just to see if there's anything to be seen yet. It's hard to wait a whole week to take more. Only been a day and I already see more than was in yesterday's pics, lol.
Here they are! Week 2 for the BBS babies!

#1- Red Band. This is my favorite splash. Kinda hope it's a boy. Never had a splash boy before....
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#2- Yellow Band. Beautiful dark blue baby! Can't wait to see "Shelly" all grown up! I hope she gets the beautiful edging on her feathers!
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#3- Green Band. Another pretty blue, lighter than Shelly...this baby was a perfect angel for taking pics. Stood so still and looked all sweetly at me❤
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#4- Blue Band. This splash is a total spaz! Would NOT hold still for pics. Took forever to get decent shots. The only one that really has any "splashes" on it so far though.
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#5- Purple Band. Another splash. This is "Irene" who has a swollen/deformed eye. She is sweet as can be, and actually fell asleep while I took her picture. I love her and will keep this one forever, boy or girl....
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#6- Pink Band. My only black. Beautiful baby I can't wait to find out the gender of! Sweet, too!
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There you have it! That's everyone. I know it's still way too early to know gender, I'm just hoping that once we know what they are, we may be able to see some early indicators like how quickly they feathered in, etc. I'm having fun keeping track of them anyway, and this thread may end up helping someone else identify their babies someday. Plus, who doesn't love baby pics?!
Following! You have such beautiful babies. 🥰
Thank you! And welcome! It's gonna be a long journey, but I really wanted to contribute weekly growth pics of all my varieties since it's so hard to find pics of them at all ages to help with sexing and such. You can check out my threads for my BBS Wheatens and Silvers too 😉
ETA: Just to let everyone know, I'll be adding a thread for my Self Blue Ameraucanas on Wednesday when they're a week old! Gonna try and have a catalog of all my varieties at every age so anyone can find them and hopefully use them as a resource to sex their own birds! I'll also be getting Brown Reds hopefully next spring and I'll do the same with them.

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