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  1. CoDucks

    Ducks attacked

    She started eating today! I made her a slurry of food and water and mealworm topping :). Also gave her some liquid B12 which seems to always have an immediate response of perking them up.
  2. CoDucks

    Ducks attacked

    She is making very small quack sounds. Still not eating other than a couple mealworms. Made her “soup” but she won’t touch it. Her poop this morning is bright green which concerns me. I’ve been giving her antibiotics since she also had bumblefoot at the time of the attack on both feet, but...
  3. CoDucks

    Ducks attacked

    We have, somehow the fox was able to open the big door of the coop, but we have fixed it to make it much harder to open. Chicken (the duck) is doing ok this morning. Still tries to quack but can’t. She’s drinking this morning and hopefully I can get her to eat something today. Thanks for asking.
  4. CoDucks

    Ducks attacked

    Well, she is hanging in there. My white/silver Ancona, named Chicken, and the sole survivor of the fox attack. I put her in the tub today so she could soak while I checked closer for wounds. None visible, but guessing there was some injury around her neck as she keeps trying to quack but...
  5. CoDucks

    Ducks attacked

    Thank you, I appreciate that. Anconas are such great ducks and so observant of danger and this time they just had no where to escape to.
  6. CoDucks

    Ducks attacked

    Yes, I have checked her all over and don't see any wounds. There was very little blood on the one that passed as well. I just realized she is not panting, she is trying to quack but has no voice, so assuming she may have a neck injury? She can hold her neck up fine and can stand, but has been...
  7. CoDucks

    Ducks attacked

    So, this morning a fox was able to scale our fence and somehow open the back door of the coop where my 2 Ancona ducks were. We caught the fox on top of the fence and scared it off but not before it killed one of them. They were laying next to each other and the one who survived wasn't moving...
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