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  1. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    Sorry for your loss. Thank you for the update, and good luck with your hens.
  2. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    IB does tend to affect the reproductive tract in some later on. But it’s respiratory symptoms last about a month. If birds are still having respiratory symptoms after a month or so, there is probably a secondary bacterial infection, such as air sacculitis or MG. Testing would be the best way to...
  3. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    Is that the doxycycline? The dosage for chickens is about 20 mg per KG (or every 2.2 pounds) daily. How much does she weigh? You can divide a tablet into half, and then fourths, and each 1/4 tablet would equal 75 mg.
  4. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    Well, the calcium may have helped her pass the collapsed egg. In hens with these types of laying disorders, it could be a shell gland problem in the oviduct or even salpingitis. Those go together with infectious bronchitis, although they can happen without salpingitis. If the calcium for a,week...
  5. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    Let us know how she gets along. Hopefully, the calcium will help.
  6. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    Never give undiluted ACV to a chicken. It is too strong, and it would make anyone probably choke on it. It is not even necessary for crop problems, but if people give it in their water, it is only about 1 TB per gallon. I would put her back in with her flock, unless they pick on her. Amoxicillin...
  7. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    It is kind of guesswork exactly what is going on. Vet’s are usually ridiculously expensive running tests and X-rays that may or may not be helpful, or don’t know that much about laying hens. Many of today’s hatchery hens who are bred to lay almost daily, tend to have reproductive disorders...
  8. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    @Brenda Jones, it would be best if you could copy and paste your post and start a new thread of your own so we don’t get confused about giving advice. Here is where to start a new thread: Your hen...
  9. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    It can be difficult to tell if the illness is a virus or bacterial, and since there are about 8 different respiratory diseases, testing is about the best way. IB can sometimes have some symptoms of MG, and there are other viruses. Here is a link for animal lab testing in BC...
  10. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    Calcium citrate is the fastest absorbed, but other calcium is okay if that is what you have. The d3 helps. Dosage should be about 600 mg daily for up to a week to see if it helps, and only give it to hens who have had the soft eggs. I think IB can be hard to test for, although it would be good...
  11. Eggcessive

    Infectious Bronchitis?

    It well could be infectious bronchitis, especially if it has gone completely through your whole flock. My flock dealt with what I believe was IB, and each bird had sneezing symptoms for about a month. They remain carriers for at least months after recovering, so it is best not to add or hatch...
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