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  1. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!!

    You know, I was just thinking the other day how I needed to get updated pics of him. He's still beautiful and has a wonderful hairdo now! His crow hasn't improved a whole lot though!! He's still in the garage with his naked neck buddies and I spend a lot of time out there with them; I've been...
  2. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!!

    Those are good name ideas! My daughter "talked" to him last night and gave him a couple of name choices and she said he picked RJ (don't ask, have no idea, it was cute to listen to him talk to her though). RJ is not sticking with me yet though... Thanks! Ashley
  3. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!!

    LMAO! I didn't realize the empty case was sitting behind him until it was over... sheesh. Hi, my name is Ashley and I drink Budweiser in my garage while watching my chicks... actually it's my hubby's. His FRIDGE is right there (the garage is his, he just lets the chicks rent it out) and he had...
  4. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!!

    He is advanced, reading the sales ads and then talking!
  5. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!! I caught him this morning testing out his voice! It's adorable!! I him! Ashley
  6. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!!

    Lisa, he is definitely a keeper! Even DH (who tolerates my hobby) said so last night. I agree with a little bit of frizzle perhaps too. His feathers aren't completely smooth, but not frizzled either. Make sense? He needs a name though... anyone?? Ashley
  7. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!!

    LMAO Lisa!! My coworker made the same comment about the newspaper! I just love him! Thanks guys! Ashley
  8. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!!

    Ok, took some more pics over the weekend. I just think he's a gorgeous guy!! With his two naked neck buddies. The black one makes a huge fuss if I take the guy in question out of the pen to play with.
  9. silkhope

    What do we call this one... HE CROWED! Check the VIDEO!!!!

    This guy hatched a little over three weeks ago from Lisa's eggs. She's leaning towards Lemon Blue Barred but mentioned I should post him here and get some suggestions on his coloring. He's beautiful, whatever he is and is very friendly. You can't really tell from the pics, but he looks like he...
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