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  1. skeeter9

    What to do with all the chickens???

    My dogs don't have access to the coop either, but when my ladies are out on our property eating bugs and other delicacies, they have a couple of places that they like to lay their eggs, instead of waddling back to their nesting boxes.
  2. skeeter9

    What to do with all the chickens???

    Just be careful - they'll become addicted!!! My dogs have the biggest time looking for eggs and breaking them open to suck up the gooey middle!!!! Hey, I just had a great idea - Maybe I'll start a flock just for the dogs!!!! Do you think that excuse will fly with my husband?
  3. skeeter9

    What to do with all the chickens???

    Raw. Much of the time they find their own if some of my hens decide to be lazy and lay their eggs on the ground outside their pen when they are free-ranging. They probably average 2 or 3 eggs apiece per week.
  4. skeeter9

    What to do with all the chickens???

    Our dogs get eggs as well and it sure makes a difference in their coats, etc. I will check and see where the nearest livestock auction is around here. I know there are lots of them, but I think they only do horses and cattle????
  5. skeeter9

    What to do with all the chickens???

    Hi Chickens, Just got your post - posting them online is a great idea. Anybody have any idea which breeds/colors are the most in demand?
  6. skeeter9

    What to do with all the chickens???

    I already have plenty of wonderful hens and one rooster that are very spoiled and keep us in eggs. Maybe I will try to sell the eggs, but I would also like to try to hatch some just to see what I can get. Is there a market for young birds as well?
  7. skeeter9

    What to do with all the chickens???

    I am really getting into this chicken thing and I'm just wondering what you guys all do with all the eggs/chickens you breed? I'd love to breed some beauties, but I can't keep them all.
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