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  1. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    lady, right on the money. At this point in my life, it's all about the 'giggles'. Suppose God has it planned that the emotion you are expressing at the time of death is the emotion you will hold for eternity. I want to be laughing and loving.
  2. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    At work I was known as the 'Go to' or 'Work it out' sort of guy. Ask for results, give me the resources, and I would generally achieve the desired results in an amicable fashion. Then one day I stripped my gears. My department manager later said to me, "I knew there had to be a flip side to...
  3. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    The Princess would laugh hysterically if she saw me with a 25 year old. Probably bring out the will to make sure that all was up to date. What a way to go. Where is all of this male bashing that I have been missing. Oh, that's because I'm one of 'the good ones'. I think that some...
  4. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    Wow! Now that's an astute observation. Em, once a kleptothreadiac, always a kleptothreadiac. No twelve step programs for that.
  5. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    Scary to me that the three of you look like sisters. Smart, discerning, selective, high standards, self sufficient?
  6. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    You're not normal?
  7. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    She looks upon me as a project/challenge - long term at that.
  8. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    Crazy senses crazy - as in birds of a feather. Actually I hang around this group because you all make me feel normal by comparison. On a serious note the Princess once told m that she is the most normal person that she knows.
  9. sourland

    Seen a cougar today.

    Caringly. I hear it can be a great learning experience.
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