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  1. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    I'm sorry. My mom is making me delete my account! I'll sneak back on through a new one though! You guys are the best and I don't know what I would do without you!
  2. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    That's okay! Update: You can read here about Prince Charming's healing process
  3. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Hi PrettyGirl! Thanks for readiing, I hope you continue to even though I am a little slack on the updates! We are not using pallets to make it, but I know a lot of people do. One deciding factor was when I learned pallets are bad for chickens, you may be able to incorporate them into toys or use...
  4. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Hi! It has been awhile, my apoliges! But, I have good reason, my grandma is visiting AND we are building a permanat chicken coop!! Can I get a 'woot, woot!'? Anyways, Buddy is in isolation, mating every and ANY chicken he sees, even poor Mr.Fly and Prince Charming! :( He can still see the...
  5. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    I put some lineolum on the roof and it leaks some when it rains hard. But not alot! Zoe is doing good nd super xute. By the way i am on a kindle touch, that is hy there are some mistakes. UPDATES: Buddy: crowing less frequently!!! He also trys to mate the pullets. He is almost 12 weeks old...
  6. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Whew! Busy week. We have a new addition to our family! Miss Zoe Idelette was born at 6:10pm yesterday, weighing 7 pounds, 19 inches, and is super uber cute!!! The big chickens, update for each: Buddy: Is getting better at crowing, and crows many times in his 'sets' each day. Sounds...
  7. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Thanks! Sorry I have been so late in getting pics up, but my mom is due this weekend. But some day they will magically appear! ;) The little chickies are escape artists, they found out if they scratch underneath the chicken wire they can get out. :0 Sooo I had to put them in a cage instead...
  8. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    My friend got her brochin chick and took some Leghorns for company, she borrowed them lol! The Rooster is 2 months old and 1 week, anyone guess what he;s doing? At least trying too? That's right! Crowing, my dad and my friend heard him, but not me.. All the chickens are fine, and Bitsy has...
  9. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Put a chicken wire divider in the coop,Bitsy and 'her chicks' stay in there. A nice neighbor gave us an old wire cage and I patched it up with some chicken wire. Now Bitsy can enjoy some sun and grass outside. Bitsy is really wanting her friends, she might be able to go with them tonight, have...
  10. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    It is coccidiosis, I got them from a hatchery. Bitsy is in with the not sick chicks, she is in with the 2 weekers
  11. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Saw some blood clots today. :( All the big chicks are sick except Bitsy. I put the little chicks into the 3 tote brooder, along with Bitsy. They love it in there. (Bitsy would rather be outside). The treatmant we are doing is ACV, totally strip and clean the coop, and we are using Essential Oils
  12. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    lol thanks. So today will be the last day I will reply more often. The chicks are good, we lost one. :( It ran off, jumped out of my hands and we couldn't find it. I like Merry, I'll have to think about it. But anyways I'll update as often as possible. Oh, and I found out it might not be...
  13. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Yeah, oh and I won't be updating as often anymore. My parents think we spend too much time on the compoter so a couple times a week probably
  14. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    I've had a little help, but mostly by myself. All 8 lils made it through the night, but today, one ran out of the brooder, and we looked and looked but couldn't find it. It was a leghorn. :( So now I have 11 chickens, I went and got the lils a regular water for when they are older, and a...
  15. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    lol! Thanks!! okay, so today I went to the Culpeper TSC Monthly Poultry Swap, they had peacocks, rabbits, goats, and of course poultry (ducks too!) I brought a pullet and 2 Roosters, I got rid of them. BUT, came back with 8 two week old CHICKS! I was supposed to sell, I think I am running a...
  16. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Thanks! So you'll still read along, even if I am a 'kid'?
  17. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    The chickies needed some help finding their coop tonight. They were roosting on some plastic containers in the yard.. lol. I chased them away and was like 'you can't roost there!' I let them get a bedtime drink and 'snack', then I put them on the roosts, and they stayed there, but they got onto...
  18. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Today I was at my 1 year old cousin's birthday party.. Soo I am going to try and work on the coop some before darkness falls, but the chicks are good.. Maybe going to a poultry swap tommorow..
  19. dermerchickens

    My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens

    Me, now your probably like she's a kid! lol, yeah I'm a pre-teen.
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