My (not what I thought it would be) Journey With Chickens


5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
Culpeper, Va
My chicks are 7 weeks old and 1 day today, I have 3 Buff Orpington Pullets and 2 Roosters, I also have Two Easter Egger Pullets.
Apparently selling chickens is harder then I thought, me, the person that happens to over think thinks, I thought this chick business, would be nice, and oh.. peaceful. NO-NO, it is not. I thought chicks would sell like *snaps fingers* that! I still love the experiance though, but I thought I would clean out the brooder a couple times a week, oh and the chicks can't get their food and water so messy in 15 mins? Boy, was my world turned upside down (or right side up) when I got my chickies! I started out with just Buff's, but 4 weeks later, I went to a poultry swap, where I sold some of my 16 BUff's because I couldn't keep them due to land. I got Easter Eggers, lets just say, they aren't very tame... They run from me. I have no idea what to do! My little chickies I thought, couldn't get cocci, I kept their brooder so sparkling (not), those things are poop machines! Well guess what, the chicks got cocci, and I flew into action and had it treated in a week or so, that was around 4 weeks, and they went outside in a nice little run in the day and came in at night.

I went on vaction to see family for a week, my family took care of them, they moved them into the mudroom.

When I got back, the mudroom door is open, and a Rooster is running out the door... That's around 5 weeks. That week, we worked on a chicken coop.. But then we decided not too.

So we made them a coop out of plastic totes, they stayed outside, and that was 6 weeks.

But now: 7 weeks!

I foound out somehow their coop was getting wet inside, I didn't see anyway for water to get in, and then this freak storm is going on this week, and our yard currently looks like a pond in some places, so we moved them inside, into 3 totes instead of two:

This is working so far, the cat sleeps on that shelf, and she is scared of the chickens. Here's evidence:

The chicks are good today, and here is some pictures of my Easter Eggers:
(Maybeline is multi-colored, Hedwig is white)

May is a pullet and Hedwig I think is, thanks to some help from BYC friends. :)

That's it for today, just have to go take care of the chicks for the night!
Pretty birds but they look PLENTY old enough to go outside! I would get to work on building the coop ASAP, we are actually building a chicken tractor so we can move them around the yard and they will always be safe. We have silkies so they are easy for predators to get.

So although birds aren't how your thinking they would be how is it?
I don't understand the last question, but they were outside, then we've been having a TON of rain this m week, and our yard floods bad. Sooo we moved them inside, and anyways, the makeshift coop kept getting wet somehow, once all this rain stops they will go out in the day and come in at night until we get a coop built.

Tonight I clipped their wings, because they keep flying everywhere, I only did 1 wing on each. May is so skittish, she was hard to do. I got them done, so hopefully this helps, and I did them right , didn't see any blood, so I must not have cut too low, but the chickens did seem awful shocked when they saw feathers falling on the ground!
It stopped raining is up to 90f so far today. The chicks are free-ranging, you shouldv'e seen 'em on their way out, they were trying to fly! That didn't work, they looked awfully funny! Maybe some time I can take a video or picture, or both! They have plenty of fresh water, and a chick 'playground'. They love it outside! They were so excited after being cooped up (no pun intended). The flock has been enjoying the sunshine and pecking all around the yard. I'll be going outside soon. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I installed a roost in their brooder, and it looks like they used it, so horray! More later! Pictures in a few days too!
I can't wait to start taking my chicks out! I'd love pictures, of the coop too once its built. Their coop is my birthday present lol, or tractor I should say =)
Nayeli, okay, it won't be done for a while, sometime in May. :) They will free-range in the day and come in at night. I will post pictures though! I would love to see pictures of your coop!

In the DIY thread, I saw this idea for a chick feeder and I made a bigger sized one, the chicks loved it! (Excuse me, teenagers)
It is the first post if anyone wants to look it up, I will try and post some pictures of the feeder and my birds 'playground'. :) I made mine out of an OJ Jug, I will make some out of all manners of different plastic jugs. Oh, I made a scoop out of a vinegar jug too. Pictures later!
It is so stinking hot today! I am working outside on chicken stuff (what else would I work on? :p), I am making a makeshift shelter for the chickens in case it rains while they are out, I was thinking maybe I could make it into a coop.. We'll see!

Well, I know I am talking a lot, but I like too. Pictures of the shelter later!
Neat, mine might be done today, because I am working outside for a shelter incase it rains if they are outside and I was thinking, maybe I can turn this into a temp. coop?!

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