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  1. AriLovesChickens


    Is anyone in the Seattle area interested in having my speckled sussex? She's a beautiful bird, nearly a year old, and seems to be laying fine. (I'm not entirely sure which chicken is laying which egg). Unfortunately, she has a problem with pecking my 2-year-old. PM me if interested.
  2. AriLovesChickens


    My broody came out to get a drink, so I checked out the nest situation. It was a huge mess. She had broken 4-5 eggs, and a lot of the stuff was stuck to her underside. (She left a trail of eggs as she left the nest). I made a warm bath in the brooder tub and stuck her in it. Surprisingly, she...
  3. AriLovesChickens


    I finally sold the "extra" orpingtons that I hatched in the incubator, and here are the ones that got to stay. So my flock is complete for the time being!
  4. AriLovesChickens


    Very nice! Hopefully that will hold up against the dogs. What are all the bricks (or whatever those are) for? Do they go along the bottom?
  5. AriLovesChickens


    I really like the yellow/orange one! Very pretty.
  6. AriLovesChickens


    Well, if you weren't able to attend the chicken show at the fair, you didn't miss much. Very few birds were on display. Also, the one day pass at the door was $20, not the $15 I thought it would be. I should have looked around for my old cell phone.
  7. AriLovesChickens


    I'll be there tomorrow with Ari.
  8. AriLovesChickens


    For better or for worse, my broody BO is now sitting on some fertile eggs. Maybe she will leave my unfertile ones alone!
  9. AriLovesChickens


    I don't see anything about this show on the PNPA page...but if you look at the Mother Earth News fair program guide, it's mentioned on page 27.
  10. AriLovesChickens


    I'll be out of town June 27th to July 25th. My husband will be gone the second half of that period, and we'll be paying a petsitter to come and feed the chickens. I assume they'll be in the coop/run pretty much all the time (or just out during the time she walks the dog). If I got some eggs for...
  11. AriLovesChickens


    I tried hard-boiling my eggs at 8-9 days after laying, and it worked fine. I haven't taken a chance on newer ones yet. I have a broody Orpington! I'd love to get some dark (or blue) eggs for her to sit on...but I'm going to be gone for a month, and I'd rather be here to watch over the...
  12. AriLovesChickens


    Here are a couple of pics of my younger birds.... I think the one in the front left is the one I mentioned earlier with the "bustle" looking rear end. It's a little hard to tell in these pics though. No one answered me on that type of feathering unusual? Would it be against some...
  13. AriLovesChickens


    I thought they came here because of the cheaper houses and tech jobs...? I lived in southern CA for five years (Orange County) and there is a definite difference between city dwellers there and here (particularly drivers, if nothing else). I went back for a visit a couple of weeks ago, and...
  14. AriLovesChickens


    :wave: Hi! Looks like there have been many new peeps here in the past few weeks. I had about 1500 posts to read, so I...didn't. ;) I skimmed here and there. So, I'm enjoying my now 9 week old chicks and wondering how in the world I'm going to pick just two to keep, which was my original plan...
  15. AriLovesChickens


    That is one snazzy looking rooster. What's the second favorite treat? Blueberries are very popular here.
  16. AriLovesChickens


    Ha!! Good idea, if only I had one. ;)
  17. AriLovesChickens


    MikeyB - Thanks! I did something very similar with my big coop. I don't have any type of fence/cloth that I can put down until I can make a trip to the hardware store (which I don't suppose will happen tomorrow). I was just wondering if anyone had any crazy ideas for getting the chicks out of...
  18. AriLovesChickens


    Okay, problem solved for tonight. I took out one of the inside coop floor panels and put my 7 year old in there. He put the chicks on the roost. LOL But that's probably just a temporary fix.
  19. AriLovesChickens


    I have a little problem... Today, I decided to move my 6 week old chicks to the mini coop. I put the heat lamp in it, facing the roost (and stairs). They seemed to be having a swell time in their new digs. Problem: they are sleeping in a heap in the corner of the run (directly under coop)...
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