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LOL! Short answer... to keep the neighbors happy. If I didn't live on a 10,000 sq. foot lot, in an established neighborhood, with finicky neighbors, I'd be keeping my poo, too! I have neighbors who absolutely hate the fact that I have a compost bin and refuse to remove it. I'm dreading the day they discover we have chickens. Legally, I can have chickens on our lot, but that doesn't mean the neighbors are going to like it. One of our neighbors had rats living under his shed. They don't keep the area around the shed clean. It is weedy and junk is piled around it. But, we got blamed for the rats because we have a compost bin.

I love my garden. It's doing great. The compost we make in our one bin is enough to keep the garden well fed (small yard, small garden). Ashes are good for the garden, too.
I'll be composting the ashes. We only have three chickens, and I'm building a small coop, so we shouldn't end up with too much ash in the compost bin.
People are so weird! Let them know that burning anything except clean, dry brush is illegal. If you live in a neighborhood chances are any outdoor burning not in a BBQ is illegal. Grrrr!!!! I hate neighbors like that! Good luck with your compost........ lousy....stinkin'...... neighbors........ grumblegrumblegrumblegrumble.........
Hi guys! Been super busy the last few days and finally had some downtime to catch up here!!!

DH got a new position and his new job requires much more traveling. Most of his peers are flying in next week so we are hosting dinner here on Tuesday night for them. Been super busy tackling the honey-do list with DH, which also included redoing the pine floors yesterday. Big job but they look so much better!

Also super busy with kid stuff and multiple doctors/dentist visits. Oldest DD also took her SAT's again this morning. Youngest and oldest DD tested again for new belts in Taekwon Do last night and did awesome.

Looking forward to the sun the next few days!!! OH! I'm gonna run for a quick snack and see if I can see the moon!!! Anybody see it yet, or are we too cloudy????
Hey congrats on dh's new job!! awesome!! Glad everyone is doing well!!
Quote: Hey I saw the hood ornament on yer truck it says GMC. Do ya know what dat stands for? ? ? Gotta Mechanic Commin! And yes I own one of those too! So I can say that.

Hmm, my Jimmy gets dang near 18 MPG at 65 MPH and the only mechanic it needed was when Terry busted the steering column, sooo Oh and I also know that Chevy and GMC have interchangable parts thats why a lot of guys like them unlike the others.......just sayn, and honestly, I've never heard that sayn before!
People are so weird! Let them know that burning anything except clean, dry brush is illegal. If you live in a neighborhood chances are any outdoor burning not in a BBQ is illegal. Grrrr!!!! I hate neighbors like that! Good luck with your compost........ lousy....stinkin'...... neighbors........ grumblegrumblegrumblegrumble.........
You can check with the fire department. I have a burn permit for yard waste.
OK Ok OK update... I straw feed my two baby turkeys and they are standing on their own and chirping I know its a stretch that they will make it but can anyone tell me how I can attract them to their food and water so they will eat n drink???
some one may have already answered this, you need to teach them, take your fingers and make noise in the water and feed make sure they start to drink and eat before you leave them.
Just adding my belated comment about the eye medicine, it's called Teramycin and comes in a little tube about 2 inches long. I try to keep it on hand as part of my medical supplies. I have 16 rabbits, 5 guinea pigs, 2 chinchillas, 13 birds, 1 hamster, 2 chickies, 8 quail and 3 dogs.

I live in Ellensburg so if anyone needs to meet up in the middle or drop off stuff, feel free to contact me.

My quail are 6 weeks old and 3 of them layed their first ever eggs yesterday!!

It is "suppposed" to be 84 today. Angoras will need frozen water bottles.

Anyone coming to the rabbit convention next month ?

Kathy B.
When is it?? And where? My husband and I are going to start raising them, it would be nice to know more!

Hi! Looks like there have been many new peeps here in the past few weeks. I had about 1500 posts to read, so I...didn't. ;) I skimmed here and there.

So, I'm enjoying my now 9 week old chicks and wondering how in the world I'm going to pick just two to keep, which was my original plan. It still appears that I have one rooster (yeah, yeah - cockerel) and five pullets. The two lavender ones are female. The little roo is a hoot and the best colored (IMO) of the lemon cuckoo birds, but I know that as soon as he finds his voice, he'll have to go. :( I'm hoping I'll be able to sell him to someone who won't be eating him (anytime soon anyway). If I didn't live in town, I'd keep him.

One of the chicks is a little funny-shaped, and I wonder if it's unusual. Instead of the usual pointed tail feathers, she looks like she has a fluffy bustle. It makes her look almost round. Does that seem weird?
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