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  1. BYC-user-174785

    Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

    Please explain to me how you can have a split bird when there is no bird of the actual color mutation? I would understand if there was a white Cinnamon teal. More pictures would be nice. My Cinnamons just naturally have some white feathers.
  2. BYC-user-174785

    Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

    Awesome! I also love your Facebook page, lots of nice color mutations. I wish we had them here. How are all of your birds so friendly?
  3. BYC-user-174785

    Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

    How are you working with split to white cinnamons. You would need a white one to get a split to white I thought.
  4. BYC-user-174785

    Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

    I do not know but I am sure someone will come along with some answers!
  5. BYC-user-174785

    Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

    netapus!!! Of course those are of interest here! I would love to see pictures of some more of your breeder waterfowl. Those ducklings are adorable.
  6. BYC-user-174785

    Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

    I have never seen that before...
  7. BYC-user-174785

    Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

    The picture of your apricot wood ducks does not show up for me...
  8. BYC-user-174785

    Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

    Wow lendor! You have a beautiful website and I enjoy seeing all of the color mutations. It would be nice to have those in the US...
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