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  1. CountryGirl3294

    Coop pics****

    Finally painted my coop! I am so happy how it turned out! Now in the spring the run will be expanding greatly for my girls! This year we moved and had a lot on our plates so it was not in the picture to expand it just yet!
  2. CountryGirl3294

    Coop pics****

    I have a trap to cover and protect the floor. Then I get pine wood shavings from TSC and put a nice layer on the floor. Then just a broom and shovel to clean up. Very easy!
  3. CountryGirl3294

    Coop pics****

    Thank you!! I have 14 Barred Rocks in this coop and will be expanding the run this spring for them. Something much bigger and taller with different things to jump on and a tire with dust and sand it in so they can dust themselves. I don't think this size coop would fit more than 16 chickens...
  4. CountryGirl3294

    Coop pics****

    Here's my lovely coop! I still have to paint it. Was going to paint it teal blue and the trim pieces white! Its 8x8 and the run is 8x14. I have a tarp lining the floor of the coop to make cleaning a breeze! Just sweep up the flakes and lay down new! No poop or water absorbing into the floor.
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