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  1. ILoveDaffy


    Just to let anyone who needs to know, know, horses with lamenitis can be treated with diet changes, and make a remarkable recovery. I have a chronic founder case Quarab who was from an all you can eat pasture situation that worked for the old horses a gentleman had, but wasn't very good for Max...
  2. ILoveDaffy


    I just go sit with my boy. He comes up and grazes next to me, and his friend comes and grooms me and plays with my hair. I don't take treats, just sit.
  3. ILoveDaffy


    Pretty good, just a bit muddy and somewhat bored.
  4. ILoveDaffy


    This is my horse. Seriously, both in looks and attitude. Needy boy.
  5. ILoveDaffy


  6. ILoveDaffy


  7. ILoveDaffy


  8. ILoveDaffy


    Oh my goodness. Those people bug me so much. Especially those who don't have much experience, but go around saying things like, "So and so had no business buying that horse, it's too much for them." And judge how they handle their horse, but fall off their own horse frequently, are harsh with...
  9. ILoveDaffy


    They are a lot of work, and  extremely eexpensive, but there are a lot of good ways to cut costs. They don't always need a nice stable, just a shelter and blanket at the least. Not all horses are high maintenance either, you can keep a horse barefoot unless ridden hard, it isn't hurtful for a...
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