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  1. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    Well, yes. Ole Grey Mare does have a valid point - my "flock observation" consists of only 5 little hens that come sit on my lap and beg for oatmeal and - well - I guess I do pamper them. Nail polish application is definitely NOT practical - and perhaps only an option for someone with way too...
  2. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    This was just discussed on the forum a few days ago - I suggested you paint their toe nails...which may be a little time consuming but funny! Most people put bands on their legs - also a color coding method, just not a chic!!
  3. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    what did you make the leg band out of?
  4. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    The girl in the picture does not look quite ready yet - comb and wattles will get bigger and brighter red. The comb flops over on my Tetra Tint that started laying - watch for the change in size/color of comb/wattles...
  5. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    My Tetra Tints are only 16 weeks old - one of them just laid her first egg yesterday - Her comb/wattles have grown and are very red - the other two tetra tints do not look ready yet at all - their combs and wattles are still small and not very red. So, I would say you can expect eggs anytime...
  6. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    my Tetra Tints are exactly as you describe - but they became more hand/lap friendly after they started laying eggs! They are mad high jumpers!
  7. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    I believe that Tetra Tints are a mix of Leghorn and Road Island Reds - which explains their yellow tint.
  8. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    paint their toe nails a different color - my friend said when they were children they use to paint the chicken toe nails and it sounded funny! And the girls could look really pretty!! I thought about putting a dot of paint or indelible marker on their heads.
  9. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    I have 3 tetra tints and 2 Dixie rainbows - they are all about 17 or 18 weeks now and when we found our first egg in the run - in the dirt - one of the plump Dixie Rainbows was sitting on it so my son reported her as the 1st egg producer - BUT - after our discover I started watching them more...
  10. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    my girls (now about 6 weeks) are getting too big to keep in a box in the kitchen!! I've been taking them out for daily forays into the back yard keeping a eye on them as we do not have the coop/run finished yet. The back yard is fenced, but I worry about cats during the day.
  11. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    I am a newby, so I can not say with any kind of authority, but it looks just like my "Daisy" - I'd say its a tetra tint...
  12. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    by the time my Tetra tints (Lady Mary, Edith and Daisy) were 5 weeks old, their downy yellow was almost fully replaced with white feathers, so I'm not sure what you have there - time will tell.
  13. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    Tetra Tints A light weight bird which is mostly white with at times some brown or even black highlights. The Tretra Tint is a cross between a Rhode Island Red male and a White leghorn female, producing cream colored or "tinted" eggs. She is an excellent producer and adapts well to backyards...
  14. NacientNeedle

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    I am a first time hen keeper and 4 weeks ago I purchased 3 "Tetra Tints". I did not know anything about breeds and had no idea about hybrid varieties. I would just like to know what breeds were combined to create a tetra tint. I also purchased two "Dixie Rainbows" - and apparently they are a...
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