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  1. Pittbull Chicken

    Chicken lethargic with runny poop, not eating or drinking

    Wow great video. Thank you! The vet thinks EYP due to her reproductive history. I got antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds. Still not eating or drinking, but she let me use the syringe to give her meds and water. For some reason, the vet didn't drain the fluid. I'll probably call them when...
  2. Pittbull Chicken

    Chicken lethargic with runny poop, not eating or drinking

    Thanks for the reply! I don't think she's egg bound because she doesn't lay eggs really anymore, but I could be wrong. Underneath it feels like fluid. I have her a bath when I cleaned her poopy butt. This is the 3rd day she won't eat or drink so I'm taking her to the vet. I'll update the post...
  3. Pittbull Chicken

    Chicken lethargic with runny poop, not eating or drinking

    My chicken is not moving and doesn't seem to be eating or drinking. I found her in the coop yesterday afternoon and she wouldn't come out. I took her inside and cleaned her down, she gets really bad poopy butt. Her vent was clear and looked normal. She didn't change her behavior after the...
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