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  1. Stipenvlerk

    Baby Duckling With Dried Umbilical Cord! help!!

    And maybe you could provide a little food mashed with water and give it so your duck doesn't have to walk to both.. I always feed my ducks wet food the first days. Add the mirror and teddy too! He needs to feel like there is a mommy to get close too!
  2. Stipenvlerk

    Baby Duckling With Dried Umbilical Cord! help!!

    If you have a puppypad or a (microfiber) cloth that would be better in the first few days. Otherwise straw is an option. Your duckling needs some structure to get some grip with his feet. Otherwise they indeed would slip to the sides.
  3. Stipenvlerk

    Baby Duckling With Dried Umbilical Cord! help!!

    Make sure he has acces to good quality (full of vitamins and minerals little duckies need) food and water (maybe with electrolytes) deep enough to clear his nostrils but not deep enough to drown or get really cold. Would you be so kind to share a picture of your setup?
  4. Stipenvlerk

    Baby Duckling With Dried Umbilical Cord! help!!

    Hi @talkhorsesducks Welcome to BYC. What a beautiful duckling you have... How long ago was he born? It would be best to find him a companion as soon as possible. And place a teddy and a mirror close to him until you find one...
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