Baby Duckling With Dried Umbilical Cord! help!!

If you have a puppypad or a (microfiber) cloth that would be better in the first few days. Otherwise straw is an option. Your duckling needs some structure to get some grip with his feet. Otherwise they indeed would slip to the sides.
Ok perfect thank you I greatly appreciate all the help.
And maybe you could provide a little food mashed with water and give it so your duck doesn't have to walk to both.. I always feed my ducks wet food the first days.
Add the mirror and teddy too! He needs to feel like there is a mommy to get close too!
And maybe you could provide a little food mashed with water and give it so your duck doesn't have to walk to both.. I always feed my ducks wet food the first days.
Add the mirror and teddy too! He needs to feel like there is a mommy to get close too!
I will! Thank for all your help.
Hi everyone! I mixed up some electrolytes for the little guy and put some in his water. I got some better photos of his umbilical cord. He’s very sleepy and just wants to nap which is concerning me a bit, is this normal? Anyway thank you all here are the photos it’s very dry and crusty, so I’m concerned with it actually absorbing into him. He had the shell attached to him when he first hatched and it dried out enough that I cut it off. No bleeding. He seems to be walking much better on a microfiber towel. I’m just concerned about the umbilical cord still. Another thing, he’s fairly crusty, the fluff on his head is crusty and dried to his head. Any tips on bathing the little guy, or cleaning him up? Thank you! He’s improved a fair bit since earlier.

Hi everyone! I mixed up some electrolytes for the little guy and put some in his water. I got some better photos of his umbilical cord. He’s very sleepy and just wants to nap which is concerning me a bit, is this normal? Anyway thank you all here are the photos it’s very dry and crusty, so I’m concerned with it actually absorbing into him. He had the shell attached to him when he first hatched and it dried out enough that I cut it off. No bleeding. He seems to be walking much better on a microfiber towel. I’m just concerned about the umbilical cord still. Another thing, he’s fairly crusty, the fluff on his head is crusty and dried to his head. Any tips on bathing the little guy, or cleaning him up? Thank you! He’s improved a fair bit since earlier.
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Update: he just pooped! Not sure how with that umbilical cord blocking the way but I’m really happy.
Hey all, one of the ducks from my other hatch is hatching so this little guy will have a buddy! I’m super happy with this little ducks progress! He’s eating drinking and pooping and acting like a normal, healthy, energetic, duckling! His umbilical cord is still visible but it’s dried out more. Will it fall off? Does it have to be pulled off? Does it need to be cut off? I don’t think it’s going to absorb into the duck. I can’t imagine it’s comfortable. Please help!


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