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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Update, Necropsy Results

    I'm sorry to hear about your goose:hugs Thank you for reminding to be more aware of what chickens, ducks and geese can ingest. I keep one of those magnets on stick and occasionally "sweep" my run, just to make sure a staple, etc. has not come loose. I may someday miss something, but checking...
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Update, Necropsy Results

    It may just be that by the time you got to the 2nd bag it had become "old" or rancid. Look at the mill dates on your bags, usually you want it to be closest to the date of purchase you can get and used up in about 4-6wks. Feed can go stale and nutrients break down. The next batch you got may...
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Update, Necropsy Results

    Awww...Granny. You think out loud as often as you want! Feed is one of the most important things to look at, imho. You never know what (I) may have learned from you all this time too.;) After looking at the feed...
  4. Wyorp Rock

    Update, Necropsy Results

    :goodpost: My thoughts too - since OP has outlined what she feeds. I do feel that genetics, breed and activity level all play a part as well. She may not have been quite as active as the others or she may have metabolized feed a little differently. I have not encountered liver disease...
  5. Wyorp Rock

    Update, Necropsy Results

    I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing the results with us. May I ask what type of food/treats do you feed? One thing I noticed on the report was "excess fat reserves" this can make it harder on the liver (fatty liver hemorrhagic disease). Also excess fat can make layers more prone...
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