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  1. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Sorry for the late response, I've been quite busy. I've heard good things about DMSO, going to get some to try it for a few issues. Nothing even related to chickens, but makes sense it ought to work for similar problems in them too, based on what I've read on it. Best wishes.
  2. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Curcumin by itself is dangerous and can cause liver failure within a month. When taken in its natural spectrum (as part of turmeric) it's actually rejuvenating for the liver and used to heal some medical issues. If you're giving turmeric you can continue it for the rest of her life or stop...
  3. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    The following journals are peer-reviewed. Here's some of the 'nonexistent' science... It works for some, so there's no reasonable basis for repeatedly dismissing someone's belief or opinion as scientifically baseless or 'magic' or other disparaging remarks. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote...
  4. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Everything is toxic in the right dosage. Just sayin'. If you go back through the thread you will find scientific research I posted on the proven medical benefits of St John's Wort. All consumption of SJW does NOT automatically equal 'irreversible liver damage' - it's a commonly propagated...
  5. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Why would you have to stay with her? Once the sling is set up and working out well, you can just leave them be, with food and water within reach. Good luck chicknmania.
  6. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Might be worth making a sling to support the chicken in a standing position? Joints can lock up a bit due to being kept in a bent position for too long, muscles atrophy, lack of circulation due to the leg being continually folded affects it all... Just a thought. The most success I've ever had...
  7. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Good to hear YinYang's hanging in there and has improved in some respects, even if others haven't. Where there's life, there's hope, for sure. Some chickens I've tended did go through awfully long plateaus and I wondered if I should cull them to be humane but some of them are still with me...
  8. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    The only risks with St. John's Wort is photosensitization if large amounts are consumed, in the plant form, and interaction with other medications, it may make them stronger or weaker. That's basically it, in a nutshell. As for the risks of homeopathic HP, well gee, if it's 'wishes in a bottle'...
  9. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Sorry to hear about YinYang. Horrible situation to have to work through. At least you gave her a chance and are willing and able to give her a quicker end once you see it's not going to work out. About the lime, I have a suspicion it helps with lessening the impact of the Marek's shedding in...
  10. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Liming the ground can to a heck of a lot to control parasite and coccidia burdens, it's well worth doing on a regular basis. Oh, also, it's not strange that the HP helped her even if she doesn't have Marek's, it helps with a huge spectrum of things. I would keep up with it just in case, myself...
  11. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Colloidal silver most health food shops sell. Most of them are now nanoparticles but I chose one that wasn't simply because while a lot of new research is showing nanoparticles deliver medicines including silver very directly because the immune system cannot cope with such tiny particles, well...
  12. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Thanks for sharing your experiences deemathes, hope it works out for you. I second the colloidal silver suggestion, there's crap stuff that does nothing but when it works it's miraculous lol. I was quite on the fence about it, pretty wary and sour on it because while the antiviral...
  13. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    I don't have much in the way of words for you, but you certainly have my sympathy. I felt the same going through weeding out my leucosis-susceptible lines. It was an exhausting experience, I saw the flock in shades of greyscale after that, lol... For a while. Thankfully it appears I was zealous...
  14. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    They only show the paralysis/lameness type symptoms once they've developed tumors from what I've read. No, it's not too late while there is still life. But as you can see it's not an easy disease to battle once it's taken hold. Good luck! Sorry to hear of your loss, @chicknmania .
  15. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    The vaccine isn't working for a lot of people, but that happens with every vaccine for every strain of Marek's. They become useless over time. Why, I don't exactly know, but diseases change, viruses in particular adapt quickly, so unchanging prophylactics aren't going to remain relevant too...
  16. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Well, that should be a better case scenario than Marek's. But those lines that are susceptible to bumblefoot sure can make a song and dance out of it lol! OK, that's a shoddy way to describe a susceptibility. What I mean is that what could be a simple issue instead can infect the bones and other...
  17. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Hello KelleyKel1032, and: Great to hear of your results. Hope your flock goes from strength to strength! Best wishes. Great to hear this too! Interesting her brother went lame, I'd always heard cockerels were usually the least affected. Must be a pretty weak family line? Good luck...
  18. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Sounds good! No, I don't think anyone really knows, we're all learning as we go. Thanks for sharing your experiences with everyone. :) Best wishes.
  19. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Wow, what a back and forth it's been. Thanks for the updates, great to know! Fingers crossed. I totally understand the jinxing thing, doesn't seem to matter how much one doesn't believe in jinxes lol... They seem to happen... Best wishes with her.
  20. chooks4life

    St. John's Wort

    Sorry to hear that. Any updates? I've been doing some reading on turmeric and curcumin, and it seems (according to some apparently pretty knowledgeable sources including vets) that the isolated curcumin in pills/capsules etc is far too high a percentage, around 98%, whereas whole turmeric is...
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