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  1. erinszoo

    What do you grow to feed the chickens??

    All beans and peas fix nitrogen in the soil. Squash and the curcubita family (melons and cukes) are heavy feeders initially of nitrogen so they will grow like gangbusters in partially composted stuff, use up all that extra nitrogen, and then when they are finished the soil is ready for other...
  2. erinszoo

    What do you grow to feed the chickens??

    I planted a couple of currant tomatoes on the west side of my coop to give some shade for the summer. They are supposed to grow like twelve to fifteen feet high and produce loads of tiny little tomatoes so I figured the chickens could have whatever falls off or they can reach for themselves. I...
  3. erinszoo

    What do you grow to feed the chickens??

    We grew baseball bat size zucchini one year in composted horse manure. We lived at 5000 foot elevation that year.
  4. erinszoo

    What do you grow to feed the chickens??

    Wow. My birds go nuts for our sprouts which are about a third BOSS. I think they like the wheat and field peas better though.
  5. erinszoo

    What do you grow to feed the chickens??

    A lot of oats are treated with a germicide to keep it from sprouting. We found some at a local coop that was untreated and it still isn't great on germination. Wheat and BOSS sprout really well.
  6. erinszoo

    What do you grow to feed the chickens??

    We do fodder but its a mix of wheat, oats, boss, millet, plot spike, and field peas. I can't get barley around here. The oats are only about 50% germination rate but everything is is near 100%. We start with a mix of 3 1/2 lbs of grain and feed out 14 lbs of fodder from it daily for 16 chickens...
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