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  1. highrockieschic

    Buff orp & EE Gender help please?

    I think she's a pullet. She has a pretty big comb, but I'm not seeing any red wattles. Usually those pop out pretty early if they are cockerels.
  2. highrockieschic

    Buff orp & EE Gender help please?

    She looks like a pullet. She has gradual color change from reddish color to white. She doesn't have splotchy colors like the first EE chick in this thread. She's very pretty. :)
  3. highrockieschic

    Buff orp & EE Gender help please?

    Do you have a photo of your white easter egger? I'm curious what she looks like.
  4. highrockieschic

    Buff orp & EE Gender help please?

    Your buff orpington looks to be a pullet. The EE is definitely a cockerel. Easter egger pullets have a consistent pattern in their feathering. And if they are multicolored the colors blend gradually from one to the next. Cockerels have splotchy coloring and eventually get red splotchy feathers...
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