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  1. kiaya611

    5 out of my 6 turkey eggs hatched long should I wait...

    OK, Since the last time we spoke, I had another hatch that wasn't as successful. It had 4 Narragansett turkey eggs and 3 peafowl eggs. 3 of the Narragansett eggs hatched, but almost immediately one of the poults died. That was the 3rd to hatch. The second to hatch could never get up and...
  2. kiaya611

    5 out of my 6 turkey eggs hatched long should I wait...

    I moved the 5 poults and they are doing well in their brooder this morning. I waited until this evening and decided to check the 6th egg. I candled it and the air cell was small, so I opened it and it was yellow liquid inside. I guess it was either infertile or never developed past a day or...
  3. kiaya611

    5 out of my 6 turkey eggs hatched long should I wait...

    Today, I had 5 of my 6 Royal Palm turkey eggs hatch. These are my first turkey eggs I have hatched. They all hatched pretty quickly too. I haven't seen any activity on the 6th egg at all. How long should I wait until deeming the 6th egg non-viable? I know I need to move the poults...
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