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  1. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I have done this also. I waited until everyone hatched, removed all from the incubator and vaccinated. I was just very careful to make sure that they were in 'isolation' for the time that they couldn't be vaccinated.
  2. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I found mine at Tractor Supply. Oh how I wish that I could share it! It made me feel better knowing that I am not doing anything wrong but that the vaccine may not cover the strain that I am dealing with. Will I stop vaccinating? Never. At least I know that my birds are safe from the other...
  3. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    Haunted55...I agree with you on all points except for one. The Marek's vaccine is unlike any other. It is very unstable and it is also so touchy about the conditions it is used under that I would never mess with it. I wouldn't try and guess how much vaccine to mix with how much diluent. I...
  4. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    The Poultry Magazine Vol 3 Iss 8 Jul/Aug 2012 The article on Marek's in this magazine was the best that I have read. There were a few items that I didn't agree with but, overall it was very well written with more up-to-date information then I've seen. In this article, she also feels that the...
  5. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I am under the impression that both necropsy and cultures were performed since that is what I was waiting for, the cultures to be read. I just took my 3rd bird in today for necropsy. Whenever someone dies that doesn't fit my 'norm', I necropsy. This was a 17 week old vaccinated bantam phoenix...
  6. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I think by some of your statements that you are confusing myself and seminolewind. You didn't ask me for references. I merely started my comment with a disclaimer in case you wanted one. I have never illuded to the fact that the vaccine could be dangerous to other chickens. If you read all...
  7. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I do not pass along myths. If you would like me to spend my valuable time finding my references then, I will. However, I have more important things that I am dealing with. Alot of my 'myths' are through dealings with my own flock. I've had two necropsies performed thus far and am heading in...
  8. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I don't have the citations to back this up...only that I know that I read it. The reason that they say that every single unvaccinated bird is a carrier is because Marek's is everywhere. That's why they vaccinate as day olds. One of the resources went so far as to say that if your chicken has...
  9. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I agree. I was more concerned about it not covering enough of the strains to really make a difference. It looks like it does a great job.
  10. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    Does anybody know what strains are covered by the vaccine? How about the incidence of failure?
  11. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    Nice to meet you, too Enjoy your weekend! We are heading out to a local church carnival...should be fun!
  12. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    Rockinpaints, thank you for posting!
  13. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    One other point... Every vial of vaccine that I have purchased explicitely says to use within an HOUR. Whether or not, you are putting it in an ice bath. I'm sticking to the instructions provided with the particular vaccine that I purchase. With the three batches of vaccine that I purchased...
  14. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    Excuse me! Get educated? I am very educated thank you. I have worked in a research environment for over 25 years. I have a degree in Biology. I've been working with vaccinating and research that goes into those vaccines for that long. Do what you may but, it is laboratory chemistry. I...
  15. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I am finding in my flock that no age group is immune. I'm having more losses at 13 - 15 months then in birds that are much younger. Stress is a huge factor in whether Marek's will rear its ugly head. Severe heat, molting, etc...things that cannot be controlled. are causing havoc in my flock.
  16. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I have read many Marek's vaccine instructions..none have said to quarantine for 14 days. The vaccine available is made from a Turkey Marek's virus. It CANNOT, in no way, cause Chicken Marek's. It is impossible.
  17. leadwolf1

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    May I ask how you are planning on separating the vaccine? Without a really good scale, how do you know that you are not putting too much into one vaccine mix and not enough into the next. The Marek's vaccine is very delicate. Unless properly administered, it is worthless. There just isn't...
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