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  1. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    My last Serama needed help this morning, had itself half out, pushing and crying hard, but it was stuck. Popped it out and transferred the other two in with the first 3, took 2 1/2 days to get everyone out. But all 6 that went into lockdown hatched! Not bad with shipped eggs! Everything that...
  2. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Well I have 5 of 6 Serama out zooming around, #6 is taking it's time. Some neat colors! No idea how they'll turn out, but they sure are tiny! Need to get photos tomorrow before they start sprouting feathers too.
  3. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Now I have 2 pips!! They're talking to each other, so cute!
  4. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Yesterday I did a bad thing and opened the incubator for a listen... I was worried none of them would make it after the issues I had with temp and humidity. One peeped at me! No pips last night, but there is one this morning from a different egg! I can hear it now across the room. Today is the...
  5. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    I just put mine into lockdown, all 6 Serama that started made it to lockdown! Totally black when I candled, just the aircell visible. 3 more days. I swear I'm going to go crazy. I keep thinking I hear peeps but it's either a dog squeak, or a trickle of water from the fish tank, or some other...
  6. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Well I'm back to 6 of 10 for the Serama... #7 was in the dud pile on day 4, then day 6 it looked like it had something going on. On day 11 that something was a blood ring so it got tossed. But the others... strong movement and growing like weeds!
  7. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Illia your avatar photo makes me want to buy more hens... I only have half of your wheel of color. I need the blues and greens! Only have the Marans dark to the white. 12 days left on my itty-bitty Serama eggs!
  8. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    My cord moved partially out of the socket and stopped power some time yesterday morning, found it at 67 degrees!!! Today I candled a couple and still have movement, they survived! Not sure if it was me or the cat, but I taped the power cord to the socket to keep it there. I candled at day 4 or...
  9. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    My two tester duck eggs were duds, they likely froze in the coop before I got to them. But 6/10 of the Serama are started! Yay!
  10. mandelyn

    Valentine's Day Hatch

    Well this seems to be the closest group to my due date! I have 10 Serama eggs for the 17th, and 2 tester duck duck eggs for the 22nd. Maybe the ducklings will be my consolation prize if nothing from the shipped eggs hatch. I usually get something from every batch, but this is my first time with...
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