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  1. nab58

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    That's strange. You'd think they'd prefer the hay on the floor or the nest boxes over the poop tray. have you tried putting golf balls or an egg in the nest box to show them where to lay?
  2. nab58

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I think that would be fine. You'll know if you like it or not. I had all sand and then mixed a bag of sweet PDZ and was much happier.
  3. nab58

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    Yor coop interior is lovely! I have a similar set up with only one higher roost. I have a ramp for them to climb....maybe you could do something like that temporarily until they get the swing of it? here's a pic of mine. Forgive the poop, I took the picture to show someone how much poop they...
  4. nab58

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I thought I would post this pic to keep this thread going. I am a new chicken owner and built our coop this past April with a poop board in the design because of what I've read here. I love it. It makes cleaning easy and almost fun. the coop doesn't smell and feels clean. Since this picture...
  5. nab58

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    The kitty litter scoop will get the big poops but there's other particles in there that I like to get rid of. I find the slotted spoon / deep fat fryer basket works really well. I also use an old flat bottomed metal colander to dump everything into. The flat bottom prevents it getting dumped...
  6. nab58

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I found the slots of a kitty litter scoop too big. When I tried adding a layer of hardware cloth to reduce the size, the poop got caught between the layers. I'm now using a kitchen slotted spoon and scooping into a metal basket used for deep fat this...
  7. nab58

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I believe it can be mixed with kitty litter. Google it, the website lists all the uses.
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