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  1. nicalandia

    Easter Eggers-What breeds do YOU prefer to cross your Ameraucanas with?

    yes they would be considered EEs and they will look mostly buff with some black on the tails...
  2. nicalandia

    Easter Eggers-What breeds do YOU prefer to cross your Ameraucanas with?

    EE are chickens, and they still follow Mendelian genetic laws, they are not some kind of weird alien chickens that will overrule the laws of genetics. breeding for blue egg shell gene is not mystery any longer, and quite an easy task if you ask me, the Way the blue egg shell gene is linked to...
  3. nicalandia

    Easter Eggers-What breeds do YOU prefer to cross your Ameraucanas with?

    Quote: Thats easy.. Speckled Sussex rooster is basicallya Black Tailed Red rooster with recessive mottling( look at here for visual ) so if cross him to EEs that look mostly wildtype partridge hens, the result of such cross will resut in...
  4. nicalandia

    Easter Eggers-What breeds do YOU prefer to cross your Ameraucanas with?

    Quote: the chicks with green legs will be Females, the chicks with yellow/white eggs will be males.. thats a Sex linked cross
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