Easter Eggers-What breeds do YOU prefer to cross your Ameraucanas with?

I've crossed my ee roos with leghorns & Andalusians & got very beautiful bearded pullets that lay blue eggs practically everyday. I know someone said the roo carries the gene for egg quantity, but these crosses still produce better than my original birds.
I also have beardless ee's that lay pink eggs & copper eggs. I prefer the beards myself. Crossing them with salmon faverolles now. :)
You would need to cross a brown egg bird into the mix to get more of a green egg. The result u speak of would be more blue eggs and possibly no green eggs.
I have two EE's from Belt hatchery, same lot of 200 birds from the feed store. One lays green eggs which I'm breeding with a splash copper Marans. The other lays a cream egg. Would a cross with a Cream Legbar result in green or blue eggs? Or any other creative crossing ideas with a cream EE egg? The cream egg is lighter than the picture looks. Also if I use my Cream Legbar over the green egg hen, should the results be a darker green?
I stumbled upon this while looking for info on a cross I'm incubating. :

the source is here:http://alanbishop.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=home&action=print&thread=5115

Only reference I saw tho. Don't know how much truth there is to it. Maybe someone here can confirm.



Here is a chick that hatched from my gorgeous bbs ameraucana roo and a brown leghorn hen. The down and muffs are stunning! Very pleased. Just hatched three eggs of this kind to experiment. Very curious how blue the eggs will be, and productivity. I'll be happy to report back when laying begins, and what they feathered out to be.
I'm assuming that this would be 2 different genes. Your gonna get blue eggs, the only difference is you will have both straight comb and pea comb laying blue eggs. Or if your breeding EE, you will still get some (or all) green and brown eggs.
my  eater egger with a goleden legbar rooter what kind would i get out do you know.
Hallo evey one

I have crossed a white wheaten ameraucana roo to a buff orpington hen I have hatched those eggs and they are 4 weeks old right now only one of the chicks did not have green legs but have a rose (triple) comb theire feathers are like buff barred just like an phasants tail, I also used a buff brahma to the AM roo and the 3 chicks from her looks like brahma has olive green legs and also looking like buff barred (phasants tail color) I also bought a EE that looks like an buff orpington and is big like a giant buff orpington + I do have pure breed ameraucana chicks, now i'm waiting because I did Cross the AM Roo to a Arubian black Game fowl hen who lays white eggs an want to see how they will get as soon as i have any pictures I will show u some ooh I forgot to mentioned that my ameraucana hen and rooster are pure breed but thei were crossed by a brown red Or a red wheaten am to a white wheaten am they do have nice colors white breasts and "patridge" colored backs with black greenish tails thats the roosters and the hens look like white wheaten breast and patridge backs and tails but I still love them
I'm not that certain if they are sex linked because whey were born with yellow legs the pure breed were born with green legs, we have sexed them and seems we do have 2 cockerels out of 11 chicks which 3 of them are pure breed ameraucana and 3 are buff brahmaXAmeraucana cross and 5 are buff orpingtonXameraucana cross, only one brahma has yellow legg and its a she(hen/poulette) and one bufforpington cross to Am that has also yellow legs and its a he (cockerel/ young roo), in total we have 3 males and 8 females (1 male orp X am yellow leg + 1 male opr X am greenish leg) and 1 pure breed AM with normal dark green legs, some of the cross breeds has muffs and beards, and some dont. What i have noticed is that the cross breed grows faster and did hatch at day 19 under a temp of 99.5 F +/- 37.5•C in a hovabator still aire and manualy turned, they are 4 weeks now and one weights 301 grams,I have now (22 eggs in total now in an homemade incubator)5 are pure breed orpington and 10 are Ameraucana pure breed 1 buff brahma crossed to a buff orpingtom roo and 6 layer X ameraucana hopefully this time some layers egg would hatch i have used eggs before from an old layer and they developed nicely but died at day 18 +/- I'm trying to hatch eggs now from a young layer now which was only fed compleetly natural seeds, insects, oyster shells, fruits and vegies scraps, grass, oatmeal and corn.

If any one had succesfully cross any kind of layer to an Am roo and had chicks let me know and how they turned to be, my layers are rhode island cross

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