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  1. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    Yeah the chicken is kind of small too I thought the golden laced Wyandot would be bigger, this one kind of turned out to be small. Maybe it will mature later on. It could've been my fault because for the first month or so I gave it gamebird starter with a very high protein content that...
  2. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    An update on my golden laced Wyandotte, she laid her first egg at 20 weeks and two days. It did not take the expected 22 weeks.
  3. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    I totally agree and thanks for taking the time to respond.
  4. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    Well it would not devastate me if they didn't start laying at 22 weeks, but it would be nice. I am only basing this on my previous years batch. I had three leghorn a road Island red and the barred rock. The Laghorn started laying at 20 weeks which we will exclude from this comparison...
  5. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    With the redness of the comb and wattels the indications are that it might start laying soon. Forgive me but I think you're wrong or I hope you're wrong.
  6. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    The golden laced Wyandotte: 19 weeks old still hasn't laid, expecting her to around 22 weeks.
  7. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    My golden laced Wyandotte pullet at 10 weeks
  8. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    She is not a rooster. Definitely going to be a hen.
  9. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    My golden laced Wyandotte at nine weeks old
  10. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    Mixed breed cockerels for sure.
  11. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    Just showing my girls. They are same age but one turned out so much bigger than the other![/IMG][/IMG][/quote she is so beautiful. I love that deep coloring, mine is similar but not as rich in the colors as yours.
  12. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    My eight week old golden laced Wyandotte
  13. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    That's a relief, and very informative. As for chick grit I do provide it do to the rare treats I gave them once in a while. As for the eggs I will make a point of giving it to her. I will have to keep her inside two more weeks since her two Brooder mates turned out to be cockerels and I...
  14. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    Can anyone tell me why my 8 week old golden laced whyandotte chick is losing feathers? It's nothing extreme that you will notice in her body. Is this normal at this age? I don't think there is a nutritional deficiency because i feed her the standard starter/ grower and its constant. Clean water...
  15. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    What a cutie! Don't encourage me I'm trying to resist chicken math this year. Maybe next year, where did you get yours from a breeder or hatchery?
  16. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    0"] Thanks, This is my first whyandotte and they seem to me to have an elegance unmatched by other breeds that I've had.
  17. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    I'm sorry I ment 7 weeks.
  18. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    Golden laced whyandotte at 7 week old
  19. seolari

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    Is this normal growth for 3 week old Silver laced Wyandotte chicks. [/IMG]
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