Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

My GLWs tend to lay at about 6 months old minimum. I did experience some laying at 7 months. My GLWs will continue to lay for several years though, whereas a production layer will have produced all their eggs by the age of 2 years.
I also raise English Orpingtons and some of those don't start laying until they reach a year old. I'd much rather have heritage breeds that start production later but continue producing years later. They also don't lay everyday but you can't hardly match their beauty or gentle demeanor.
Beautiful birds everyone!

Thought I would share my one GLW, Brie. Here she is today at about 14 weeks and as a little chickie. As a chick she was super sweet and mellow but since hanging with the big birds she now has a "too cool for you" attitude like she just got in with the popular crowd or something



An update on my golden laced Wyandotte, she laid her first egg at 20 weeks and two days. It did not take the expected 22 weeks.
Wow,20 weeks! What a cute little egg.

Yeah the chicken is kind of small too I thought the golden laced Wyandot would be bigger, this one kind of turned out to be small. Maybe it will mature later on. It could've been my fault because for the first month or so I gave it gamebird starter with a very high protein content that might've stunt her growth.
Yeah the chicken is kind of small too I thought the golden laced Wyandot would be bigger, this one kind of turned out to be small. Maybe it will mature later on. It could've been my fault because for the first month or so I gave it gamebird starter with a very high protein content that might've stunt her growth.

I don't know that is was anthing you did. My two GLW (16 weeks) really couldn't be more different. They are about the same size but one of them feathered out much sooner and got her tail right away and has a nice little rose comb and a big friendly but boss hen personality and the other one feathered out slower (although beautifully) and has no tail and no comb, is quite skittish and is much lower in the pecking order.
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I have a trio (2 cockerals & 1 pullet) of GLW. They are supposed to be 16 weeks old. I have two questions:

1. At what age will the cockerals begin to crow? (There is full grown Wyandotte roo in the coop w/ them. He doesn't bother them though, he's very laid back. Just wanted to add that in case it might make a difference that they aren't the only roos in the pen.)

2. Is it possible that my pullet laid an egg today? All my other hens in that coop are full size and lay large eggs. Plus they always lay in the same nest box. Today when I went to the coop I found a tiny egg (same size as my bantam cochin who is in a different coop). And the egg was on the floor, not in the nest box. Both of those clues leads me to believe my GLW laid it. I thought it would be too soon.

Here's a recent photo of the pullet.
I have 10 chickies, 2 are GLWs, and I just love them! The older girls are going on 15 & 16 weeks old, but the GLWs and the two white silkies are going on 13 weeks. The older ones are pretty mean to the younger ones, especially the silkies. But the Wyandottes are their protectors. They try to take the brunt of the pecking and chasing, and the little silkies run and snuggle with them. It's so cute. One of the GSLs is the main protector tho. That's Josephine. Frederika takes care of them too, but she's a little more independent and a lot more friendly. She sits on my lap and often flies up on me when I'm out scooping poop! LOL I've been a little concerned that Josephine might actually be a rooster tho. The way she/he is sooo protective, and the stature and size is different from Fred. But I don't really see any signs yet of the longer saddle feathers, and the hackles seem to be a little more rounded than pointed, altho it's hard to tell with Jo. She/he absolutely hates being touched or held. I think she's afraid to leave the silkies alone more than a few seconds.

Here are some pics of my "girls":
The one bending over with the blurred head is Jo, and the other one is Fred, both at about 7 or 8 weeks in this shot. Silkies as well.

See how different Jo's tail is from Fred's.

Here the girls are snuggling together, soaking up some sun the same day back in June

These pics are from this morning... at about 13 weeks..
This is Fred with either Phoebe or Angelica...I can never tell the silkies apart!!

Fred on the left and Jo on the right

My girl Frederika!


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