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  1. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    They sure got some personalities even being raised in town lol. Have 1 that comes and knocks at the door when they are ready to go to bed so I can go close the coop door, 2 that try to break in thinking they can come in the house like the dogs and cats, they like to come in to talk to ya.
  2. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    finally got some pictures, mine were bought in April but not sure how old they were. hoping against hope though as I have to get rid of any roosters
  3. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    Our winters here can be pretty brutal in the mountains of Idaho, our chickens do what they want they free range. we built them a nice insulated coop and they weren't having anything to do with that unless they want to brood, they prefer the empty open horse stall. When they need to go...
  4. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    first picture is hen, second pick is roo, there's big difference already in them, hens will stay smaller and yellowish orange color longer
  5. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    left one is Cashew from what I read and is Roo
  6. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    one on right peanut comb is smaller and still yellow, should be a hen, left Cashew bigger comb and wattles turning red already would be roo
  7. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    to me looks like 1 of each
  8. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    depends on a few things: you have older chickens out there? Is it really secure? Temps good for them to be without a light? Do they have a broody raising them? your personal set up Last year we had them out in a secure pen with run at 2 weeks we started taking them out for a bit during the day...
  9. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    Thanks for the info cmom, All I have been able to find is production around here and I love the heritage
  10. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    Each one like any other will develop their own personality, my problems was all 4 turned out to be roosters, 2 were well mannered gentleman and 2 were holy terrors before they even matured, so that was a bad situation, re homed 2 and 1 was killed and the 1 we Kept works well with the Main Barred...
  11. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    he looks to me to be a production RIR cockrel but definite rooster to be. The difference between a production and a heritage is heritage is a lot darker coloring The one in my avatar is a production RIR and he's a year old now
  12. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    they look like the production reds to me, they are still RIR's just not as dark as a heritage
  13. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    your lucky then, I got 4 and they were all roosters, so this year didn't get any
  14. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    lucky you, She is a cutey though, haven't been able to find any pullets or hens around here
  15. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    depends on the breed some are cheaper some more, a barn yard mix one breed of hen with a different breed rooster are cheap, rare or heritage are going to cost more than your production. They can be anywhere for 5 to 80 dollars a dozen from what I've seen
  16. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    I only ended up with roosters and already sold all but 1, it would help if you stated where you are looking for them
  17. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    Amerecuanas and some of the other breeds take almost a year to mature so don't feel bad, at least a RIR won't scare the crap outta ya like the Amercuana's with their face feathers and looking like raptors from Jurassic park when upset
  18. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    gl Karl, I am probably gonna be gone most of this week, out of town trip then lock down on first incubator hatch
  19. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    it's probably a mixture of new to laying and temps then Karl, I wouldn't worry about it to much
  20. slordaz

    Rhode Island Red Thread!

    age would help. for the first couple of months it's hit and miss on laying as they get the kicks worked out, if they are new layers.
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