Newbie Taking It All In!

With all your experience, what do you think is a good way to start? With chicks or laying hens? I'm interested in getting a leghorn rooster, because I feel the need to name him Foghorn, Cornish crosses for meat, RIRs, Austorlorpe, and Wyandottes

You'll get a variety of opinions from BYC members on this question, but I personally prefer getting chicks for the following reasons: There's very few things in the world as cute and exciting as getting newly hatched chicks, you can choose from a variety of breeds and have a custom designed flock, you can tame your birds early by giving them treats and holding them so that they are less likely to be afraid of you when they get older (many breeds make good lap pets), they typically get along better with each other when they grow up together from hatching, and they are less expensive to purchase than older birds.
I like the idea of the chicks. With 6 in our family, I'm also torn about having hens ready to lay or close to laying age. I'm just ready to get started! We close 8/14 and I've never wanted the days to pass by so fast, lol!:weee

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