Bantams and Peacocks


Jul 31, 2015
Hello BackYardChicken Community
I have just joined the community and would like to introduce my feathered friend interests.

We have cared for and bred Lavender Pekin Bantams for around 14 years. They are either from "Chairman Mao" and his two wives founding stock; "The Viceroy" and his wives cuckoo lavender Pekin or (a moment of weakness) from Fiona Frizzle who was a lavender Pekin.

The ladies are also hatching Andalucian and Ickworth chicks to support a friend whom is committed to preserving rare breeds.

We have now also got peacock eggs! I was offered them by a friend whom has a surfeit of pea birds and two of our ladies are sitting them. So, HELP PLEASE how do I prevent them succumbing to coccidiosis or other fatal conditions of which I am not aware?

Im looking forward to joining the community.

Cluck on PennyPekin
Sounds like you have lovely birds

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