Buff Orpington Hen?


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2015
In theory that's what I have - but asked for 2 and one of them is a Polish, so all bets are off in the confidence department. LOL
Got 8 "hens" of different breeds... and I am thinking they're a mixed up mess. They were chicks in mid-March... and is that crazy underbite normal? She has no issues eating or drinking, just looks awkward. :D
She looks like she has a pea comb and not a straight comb, so not pure buff orpington if that's the case. You might want to carefully trim back that underbite with nail clippers, it's not normal. Just be careful not to go too far. I had to do it for a bantam cochin cockerel once and he was much happier once it was trimmed up. Trim only the lighter colored part, do not go into the darker colored area. It has a quick inside like a dog's toenail that you don't want to hit, or it will hurt her and she will bleed.
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I didn't think it was normal - I have been handling these chicks since they were babies, and yet 3 of them FLIP OUT when I try to touch them. She is one. Well, I will get someone to help me, I want her to be healthy. But it DOES look like a hen, right???
Thanks - will look at those - pretty much nothing that I thought I was getting was what I got. I don't really care, except that I wanted hens :)
Oh I knew she wasn't polish - the 2 "Buff Orpingtons" I got, one WAS a Polish, and then this one. :D Thank you SO MUCH everyone! Appreciate the help!

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