"The Sterile Guinea-Hen

justin shrew

8 Years
Nov 19, 2013
cape town,South africa
Its been a while.....
from the onset of raising guineafowls, I started out with 10 keets that I placed them under a hen that was broody. she was fond and kindful of her little babies with that they drew up with chicks. from that 10 of keets 7 died, from 10 chicks 5 died. The guineas are about one year and the 8 years but no keets ever appeared from them. By the time they were 9 months old the male was showing some breeding displays that includes feeding his ladies, chasing other males. we only have 1 male and 2 hens.

I would like someone who has experience with the breeding of guineafowls based to age, seasons, weather conditions.
what migth be the cause of those guineas not to lay eggs....only few months left to reach spring season and I'm worried. their biological mother is still alive and has breed four times since they were born..

any reply would be...
Its been a while.....
from the onset of raising guineafowls, I started out with 10 keets that I placed them under a hen that was broody. she was fond and kindful of her little babies with that they drew up with chicks. from that 10 of keets 7 died, from 10 chicks 5 died. The guineas are about one year and the 8 years but no keets ever appeared from them. By the time they were 9 months old the male was showing some breeding displays that includes feeding his ladies, chasing other males. we only have 1 male and 2 hens.

I would like someone who has experience with the breeding of guineafowls based to age, seasons, weather conditions.
what migth be the cause of those guineas not to lay eggs....only few months left to reach spring season and I'm worried. their biological mother is still alive and has breed four times since they were born..

any reply would be...

I am confused. Are your guineas one year old or are they 8 years old? Also your location is listed as Los Angeles, CA.

If you are in Los Angeles, spring is a lot more than a couple of months away. It is more like winter is a couple of months away.

Guineas tend to start laying in the spring. If your guineas are a year old and you are located in southern California, it is possible that your guineas may start laying in late November or December. It is just as likely that they won't start laying until next spring possibly in late March.
well The ( location ) los Angeles was my registration long ago...Its been a while since I moved to south africa.

my guineas are one year and eighth months
in south africa spring runs from September thru November, and that wild guineas had started their court ship displays.

@guinea's world

you said your guineas are 1 and 8 months old. And had said that they never breed since they were born.
by my knowledge, I'm not saying its true by the following factors might be the cause:
1. Most guinea hens begin to lay around 8.5 months old usually by the next following spring of their birth.
2. climate conditions may also be the cause, most of guineas breed mainly in spring/fall depending of the temperature/freezing points or rainfalls
3. some females/males lack the interbreeding process. only the females will give males permission to mate if they don't want the male's who

"best wishes"
From my understanding ... Guinea's don't take long in the actual mating process, most people rarely see it, but it still happens often.

Also the hens don't need to be mated to lay eggs ...
122Red Beard is rigth guineas will lay eggs whether the is s male or not. but those eggd are infertile

I have had a hen that started laying around 34 MONTHS!! what I can say is birds varies, some of them may begin to lay at an early stage/later.
in south africa guineas breed from September to march if you are at the west coarse they will mostly peak early spring taking food fostered by winter rains.

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