Breeds amd genders??


7 Years
Aug 28, 2015
So I acquired these 3 the 1st week in april from TSC. I guess that means they are about 5 months.I was told they are bantam at the time and was given no information on gender or breed.

I'm pretty sure the fluffy one is a silkie roo seeing as it has the dark skin, 5 toes and crows.
I think the 1 in the middle is a hen.
I'm questioning the one in the front. It's the most friendly of the 3, spending as much time as possible on my shoulder or following me around.
Any ideas would be welcome!
You are correct about the silkie roo. I think that the other two are pullets at five months, with the one in front just nearer to laying. I don't know enough about bantam breeds to really guess from this picture, the front hen looks gamey to me though. Separate photos of the front two standing in good light would help others to identify them.
My new Bielefelder. Can anyone confirm its a rooster? Back stipe is light colored but does have the spot on his head.Just want to make sure before I promise someone a rooster.

The silkies comb is a deep reddish... not really black like his legs.
They don't really sit still unless it's bedtime which makes it hard to get better pictures of them. :(
The Silkie in the back is a cockerel and the other two are pullets. The blue one looks like a Blue Old English Game bantam and should be laying very soon if not already. From what I can see about your other one, it looks like a Dark Cornish bantam, but I really need a full bodied picture :)
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