Tomato Wars

Tevyes Dad

Leader of the Quack
8 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Some people like to slice up treats for their ducks. I rather like to watch them do it for themselves. My ducks' first experience with tomatoes were grape tomatoes. We would let them ripen a bit so they would become slightly soft. At first the ducks would squash them, then swallow them, but after a while, they stopped squashing them. There were no bad incidents, but I thought that probably wasn't the best way to go. They could have a problem and I didn't want that! So I got regular tomatoes. Now normally I toss the tomato high enough that it splits on impact and I toss 2 or 3 at the same time to divide up the ducks. This time for this video they got one tomato - direct from the store - not over-ripe - rolled gently out on the lawn... It is all on them to get to the goodies inside.

Disclaimer: In order to match the length of the song (sort of), I sped the video up by about 20%. In order to get the ducks' interest up, I starved them for 4 days (just kidding). Kaine is a jerk... nothing I can do about that...


The Runners do something similar when they dig up a sunroot tuber. Great video!
Thanks! I figure I do less work than chopping it up. I get more entertainment. It looks to me like they enjoy it. And normally I put out two or three at a time so the competition isn't quite so fierce. The pieces they tear off are normally fairly small, but even when they aren't they aren't completely surrounded by skin so I would think they would deteriorate fairly quickly along with normal things in their crop so they will get to the gizzard before they start going bad. A whole cherry tomato could sit in their crop a day or two I would think and that wouldn't be great.
Legitimate concern - though based on throughput of peas, might not be likely. I just don't know.

I remember hearing crackling in Einz's belly one night after she ate a hickory nut whole. Scared me, both seeing the thing slide down the inside of her throat, and hearing the crackling. She is fine.
Legitimate concern - though based on throughput of peas, might not be likely. I just don't know.

I remember hearing crackling in Einz's belly one night after she ate a hickory nut whole. Scared me, both seeing the thing slide down the inside of her throat, and hearing the crackling. She is fine.
Peas will pass for sure. I am confident that anything that could remotely resemble food would be crushed if it made it to their gizzard (I saw a .22 casing that somebody had ingested
and passed - it got crushed pretty good). But I am sure there are limits to the neck stretching (Entie has the smallest neck even of the runners and a cherry tomato is about 1-1/2x the size of her neck normally). And if the whole piece wouldn't pass into the gizzard, it might not get a bite on something with a smooth round skin - don't know and would rather error on the side of caution. Because all my other errors seem to result in heartache. I never had any problems with the cherry tomatoes, but now I get tomato foot ball, don't have to worry about them and larger tomatoes are cheaper - Win win win!

The Runners do something similar when they dig up a sunroot tuber.  Great video!

Thanks!  I figure I do less work than chopping it up.  I get more entertainment.  It looks to me like they enjoy it.  And normally I put out two or three at a time so the competition isn't quite so fierce. The pieces they tear off are normally fairly small, but even when they aren't they aren't completely surrounded by skin so I would think they would deteriorate fairly quickly along with normal things in their crop so they will get to the gizzard before they start going bad.  A whole cherry tomato could sit in their crop a day or two I would think and that wouldn't be great.

I thought about that the other day when mine did swallowed a whole grape, so now I quarter them, lol.


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