Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

Wow the amount and quality of work you and hubby have achieved is to be applauded. I am truly impressed.

Question are the steps, steps or roosts?

Those are the extra wide roost bars for Atlas's big butt women, LOL. The bantams have a 2x2. Atlas has roosts of varying widths up to the largest one which is 12" wide. We got the two top ones from other coops to recycle.
Quote: Oh, good, I was afraid you might be becoming the next Sara Winchester. The world does not need a Winchester mystery coop
All pens are up, just need a latch for the last one. The ones I had were too rusty to put there. And we are currently working on roosts and a nest configuration for the late Deacon's six hens-that includes Rita, June and Maretta (the two EEs), Georgie my last Delaware, and the two blue Rocks, Neela and Alice. Will have two nests for them. DH has some tongue in groove pine flooring that will be the sides and divider for that one.

The last pen has a full sheet of OSB as the side wall, dividing it from the storage area in the back corner. That will be where I grow out chicks and broodies raise them, like Wynette, who will probably go there not long after hers hatch.

Adding to the pictures in the previous post, we finished the nest in Rita's coop (can't keep saying Deacon's girls, I guess). We finished Atlas's roost as well. We think we may be able to move Xander's roost shelf to his new space and do some repair work on it since he is currently in the same shape/size space now in the soon-to-be-demolished building. That will save us having to use materials and come up with a design. That means we would have only two roosts to do, Rita's group and the Old Hens' group, and then, PAINTING TIME!

Really nice building, I like the roost options, I might have to borrow that, some of mine like a flat place to sleep. Are you painting all that OSB or leaving it? That's gonna be a lot of painting. Looking really good.
Looks nice! And they are Deacon's girls until some other man comes into their lives
Thanks. In regard to Deacon's girls, formerly Isaac's girls, I'm not sure there will be another man in their lives, unless it's a bantam rooster. These are also old hens, though they aren't technically retired w/o male company. June is 8, Georgie is 7, the blue Rocks and Rita are 6 and Maretta is almost 5, so she's the "baby" of that group. We'll see.

Really nice building, I like the roost options, I might have to borrow that, some of mine like a flat place to sleep. Are you painting all that OSB or leaving it? That's gonna be a lot of painting. Looking really good.
Thank you. Yes, we will paint the OSB but we have a sprayer that can put it on as thin as we need it to be, makes fast work of a wall. I'll then brush paint the nests and maybe the roosts with extra paint since they get a lot of abuse. No way I'd brush or roller paint all that OSB! Yikes, that would be a job!
Sorry no pics, storm blew in and we had to make a run for it to the house, but the pen with the newly constructed nestboxes also has a new roost so, Deacon's girls Atlas's harem and the Belgian D'Anvers all have completed pens ready to paint. I will move Xander's entire roost shelf and his file cabinet nest box to his place and he will be good to go after paint. The Old Hens who will be housed next to Atlas will bring their big portable nest box and we will have to make their roost. So, we are very, very close to painting time.

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