Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

Always need extra lumber around. We have several wet days expected, rained half of today but was quite warm. I really want this barn ready to occupy before the first week of March is over, even though the big attached pen will not be done.
I follow the 20% rule.

If I budget for something I a figure in 20% more Time, cost, materials. I buy 20% more and then return the surplus (or stock pile for later).
I follow the 20% rule.

If I budget for something I a figure in 20% more Time, cost, materials. I buy 20% more and then return the surplus (or stock pile for later).
This was more than DH had calculated. Dear Lord, the man at first said he'd need 40 planks. WHAT? I said, no way, at least twice that, without even doing the math. We calculated at least 85, they delivered 90 and we need probably 10 more just for the pens. I found there were a couple of things he didn't even plan for in that number.

We have a building that we will scavenge from when the birds are moved for the rest for the aisle and loft.
Always need extra lumber around. We have several wet days expected, rained half of today but was quite warm. I really want this barn ready to occupy before the first week of March is over, even though the big attached pen will not be done.
No leaks?

It's all looking quite grand!

But I can't stop worrying about those leaks.
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No leaks?

It's all looking quite grand!

But I can't stop worrying about those leaks.
You and me both! No, but I have not been out there this morning. During the last rain, it did not leak at all. It rained during the night and will rain today so it's getting a little test, but it's not a pounding rain, so I'm not sure what intensity/duration would make it leak. I'll let you know after we get out there today and see if there are any drips. It can't be condensation, either, because that would not drip from the rafters in only three spots, same spots every time.
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Well, hopefully you won't have to populate those pens until it's fixed?(probably not an option)
Or maybe tarp(or something) over the tops so wood floors don't get soaked if it leaks again?
The thing is, the leak is so small, it just drips a few times in the buckets when it did happen. But, if I waited on those guys to get here, I'd not be able to get the birds in the barn for quite some time, I bet. I keep telling DH to stop being so patient and start getting mean. Maybe I need to talk to them. I may just tick them off, LOL. All the leaks would be in two pens, the old hens and the bantams, I see now that the walls are up. All others stay bone dry.

No leaks overnight.
Well, at least it's not massive leaking.
Maybe get a sheet of luan with your next order, thin, light, cheap, easy to slide over top, will show where leaks are, and not get anything wet in pens.

We "roofed" the bantam pen near the roll-up door, so that may have a small drip on top of that piece of OSB, but if it drips in the buckets on the floor of the next pen where the other two drips were seen, then we can get up there and place a bucket there as well. So far, no wet at all anymore, but I expect to see something if we have a monsoon.

It's shaping up. We just have the last two sheets of OSB propped on the wall of the center, back pen we were working on today so it skews the view a bit, but I think you can tell what's what.

our "bridge", which still needs cross members underneath it but it's pretty solid to walk across.

Bantam pen with new "roof" to keep the little fliers inside. Keep in mind all the pieced OSB will look better painted, not as "piecemeal".

Looking from roll up door back to the front.


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