DeadTurkeys, Help

If I were in your shoes and couldn't get mine in to see a vet I would go get a box of the API General Cure (double check ingredients on box, should say 250mg metronidazole and 75mg praziquantel) and overnight a bottle of Baytril and metronidazole (Fish Zole, AquaZole, Meditrich, Flagyl, etc.).

So how do you raise chickens and turkeys together? It sounds like a death trap? If you do it every year what is your secrete? My husband really wants turkey's and we have chickens.
So how do you raise chickens and turkeys together? It sounds like a death trap? If you do it every year what is your secrete? My husband really wants turkey's and we have chickens.

Some people raise them together and never have issues, but I'm not one of the lucky ones, so I have to keep a supply of medications to treat them. On top of having medications, one should also be able to provide proper supportive care while treating them. It also helps to keep them off the ground until they are 3-6 months old.

Metronidazole and Baytril (enrofloxacin) are both banned by the FDA for use in food animals, so one needs to think about that.

More necropsy pictures:

Note: This is not my bird, it's one I sold two months ago and it was one that was raised indoors and off the ground, it was healthy and parasite/protozoa free when it left here.

Got a call yesterday from someone that I sold two young peacocks to two months ago saying that both were looking sick a few days ago. I told him I would come get the dead one and the one still alive and try to save it, but it died four hours after I brought it home.

  • Depressed
  • Dropped wings
  • Not eating
  • Weak
  • Thin
  • Yellow liquid poop
  • Dark green cecal poop with blood

Here he is looking very stoic three hours before he died. You can't tell from the picture, but he's about 1kg (2.2 pounds) underweight.

Here is a poop picture, but it looked much more yellow than it does here.


Here are the necropsy pictures from one of the peacocks.

Liver and cecal pouches

Contents of cecal pouch - black liquid poop, NOT normal!

Inside of cecal pouch

Liver with the blackhead spots and I think the black edges are necrotic



Well, the last 5 are still living and don't look sick at all and are eating and drinking well.
Last year when I got turkeys I raised them with the chickens and none died or got sick, they are the older heritage ones that are with the babies.
I plan on putting up another turkey run away from the chickens and where the chickens have never been and raising some more poults next year
I have a tom and hen blue slate and 3 bronze hens and plan on getting 2 more blue slate hens, 1 bronze tom and a trio of red borurbon. I am not sure I will get any WBB next year even though they grow real fast. I had a hard time obtaining the WBB this year and they weren't born until 1st of August so they won't be big enough for Thanksgiving day
Thank you for your help

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