4 Week old Chicks: WHAT DO I HAVE???

I am going to try pretty soon to get some better pictures, I realize these aren't that great for being able to tell anything about my chicks. Thanks for everyone's responses. They are getting bigger and bigger! One of the biggest differences I am seeing, that isn't so evident in these pictures is in the barred rocks. On some of them the bars are bright bright white and very distinct from the black, and also seems like there are more bars. On the others the bars are less defined, more muddled, and the entire coloring of the chick comes off as a much duller almost grey than the other chicks. I assume this is a gender difference, since I read that females come off darker in color than males. But I had also read that Cuckoo Marans are identified by a less distinct, more muddled barring pattern, but from what everyone said here, I don't really think that any of the are marans.

I can't wait to see what varieties of red chickens I have and how many of each!

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