Can age create competition and inhibit growth?


Sep 30, 2015
Good morning!! I am completely new to raising chickens. I recently purchased a few hens from a local feel store. I got 2 golden sex links and 2 speckled sussex. I think everything is going well. My Goldens are a good bit larger than my Speckleds? They are about 2 weeks apart in purchase age. But I am now getting worried about them? Could the Goldens be prohibiting the Speckles growth bc they are larger and get more of the food? I check on them and make sure they always have food and water available to them. I just want to make sure they are given every opportunity to grow and develop properly.
Thank you!
Good morning!! I am completely new to raising chickens. I recently purchased a few hens from a local feel store. I got 2 golden sex links and 2 speckled sussex. I think everything is going well. My Goldens are a good bit larger than my Speckleds? They are about 2 weeks apart in purchase age. But I am now getting worried about them? Could the Goldens be prohibiting the Speckles growth bc they are larger and get more of the food? I check on them and make sure they always have food and water available to them. I just want to make sure they are given every opportunity to grow and develop properly.
Thank you!

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Yes, it is entirely possible for one bird or group of birds to prevent another bird/group of birds from accessing feed and water, thus inhibiting their growth. For this reason, having more than one feed/water station available to your flock can be a good idea. Having a group where there is a significant age gap (as chicks, two weeks is significant) further increases the risk of there being this, and other issues. I would suggest adding feed/water stations and/or sectioning your brooder so that you have the two groups housed in a way that they can see each other but each age group is in their own area to prevent the bullying issue without creating two entirely separate groups that later have to be introduced to each other.
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us!

Ol' Grey Mare gave you some good advice. Good luck with your flock!
glad you have joined us and congrats on getting your flock.

Please do take Ol Grey Mare's advice so they will all grow up to be strong and happy.

I have both the breeds you have in my mixed flock. Based on my experience with them, the red sex link girls are little food hogs and will gobble up anything they can so having multiple feeders and waterers is helpful as Old Grey Mare said but I've also found the SS to be a bit slower to grow even with the added feeders and waterers (they have also been slower than my Black Australorps, Barred Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds). That may be just particular to my birds but some chickens do take longer to mature naturally.

Thanks for joining us, hope you are having fun with your flock!

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