new to this

It's better not to use eggs over 10 days old especially if they've been sitting in a nest. Special storage techniques need to be observed to keep eggs viable more than a week to 10 days. One thing is that ideally there should only be 2 temperature changes. Once when the egg is laid and again when incubation starts. Those eggs have gone up and down in temperature every day.

It's also best not to incubate pullet eggs which these sound like they are.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! For me I would not use them in the kitchen as you can't be sure which eggs are the oldest. Plus having the temp changes could have affected them. I personally would toss them and start afresh.

Wishing you the very best of luck in the future. Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Welcome to BYC!

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