INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Hey everyone, pretty new to chickens (March 2016 bought my first batch of 1 and 2 week olds) and now I am just in lockdown phase of incubation of 15 eggs. Bought 16 from a local farm, turned out 1 was infertile, but all others have been growing steadily. When candling last night before placing in lockdown, had one Black Australorp that I saw no movement in. The air sac looks good, and the chick is pretty much taking up the whole shell, but it didn't move. I read on some other threads about water candling or doing a float test. I had 2 I were unsure of, both Australorps, and they both sank in the glass. One wiggled, the other didn't. I went ahead and put both back in the incubator...hoping maybe that it was just being lazy and didn't want to Did I do the right thing???
Yep, you done good
You can always start a new thread, nobody stops you, this thread is so popular because its mix of knowledge of high degree, fun and a group of people that feel mor to each other than just forum members. So if you like what you see come and jump in you are very welcome, and if you don't I dont think that you can change the dynamic!

I'm not trying I'm just agreeing with what some of the other members have posted.. :)

Yes I was referring to them also!
Hey everyone, pretty new to chickens (March 2016 bought my first batch of 1 and 2 week olds) and now I am just in lockdown phase of incubation of 15 eggs. Bought 16 from a local farm, turned out 1 was infertile, but all others have been growing steadily. When candling last night before placing in lockdown, had one Black Australorp that I saw no movement in. The air sac looks good, and the chick is pretty much taking up the whole shell, but it didn't move. I read on some other threads about water candling or doing a float test. I had 2 I were unsure of, both Australorps, and they both sank in the glass. One wiggled, the other didn't. I went ahead and put both back in the incubator...hoping maybe that it was just being lazy and didn't want to Did I do the right thing???
Congratulations on getting the eggs this far along! Like everyone is saying, you really don't need to float test anything until after day 22 or 23. I keep everything that looks even remotely good in, until the bulk of the chicks have hatched. If I still have eggs left over, I'll re-candle, or do the float test. If there is any movement, I put them back in.

Good luck!!!!
I have learned that I can't tell the difference between Egyptian and polish eggs

I have learned that little birds can run through the dog panels and the fogs eat them

LOL, sorry about your dogs eating them, but good lessons

Which, by the way, has been responsible for the birth of several personal friendships.


You can always start a new thread, nobody stops you, this thread is so popular because its mix of knowledge of high degree, fun and a group of people that feel mor to each other than just forum members. So if you like what you see come and jump in you are very welcome, and if you don't I dont think that you can change the dynamic!

:goodpost:  as usual

Thanks Liz
Thanks everyone for the replies. I hope everything turns out well in the hatch. Of the 15 , I have 4 Ameraucanas, 4 Delaware, 4 Barred Rock and 3 Black Australorps. I was expecting only an 80 to 90% hatch, but so far I'm at 100% (if you don't count the infertile egg that was discarded). Good thing I built a brooder with a divider to make it 2 rooms! I guess I will be removing the divider more quickly than planned!

The chickens are definitely addicting! I want one of every kind! We are building a huge coop and run, and then starting to build an Old West Town for the coops, nesting boxes in which they will sleep and lay, and then they can go in the big run during the day. Has been an undertaking!
Thanks everyone for the replies. I hope everything turns out well in the hatch. Of the 15 , I have 4 Ameraucanas, 4 Delaware, 4 Barred Rock and 3 Black Australorps. I was expecting only an 80 to 90% hatch, but so far I'm at 100% (if you don't count the infertile egg that was discarded). Good thing I built a brooder with a divider to make it 2 rooms! I guess I will be removing the divider more quickly than planned!

The chickens are definitely addicting! I want one of every kind! We are building a huge coop and run, and then starting to build an Old West Town for the coops, nesting boxes in which they will sleep and lay, and then they can go in the big run during the day. Has been an undertaking!

You don't want nesting boxes for them to sleep in and lay eggs in. You'll end up with poop all over your eggs. Use roosts for sleeping and boxes for laying.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I hope everything turns out well in the hatch. Of the 15 , I have 4 Ameraucanas, 4 Delaware, 4 Barred Rock and 3 Black Australorps. I was expecting only an 80 to 90% hatch, but so far I'm at 100% (if you don't count the infertile egg that was discarded). Good thing I built a brooder with a divider to make it 2 rooms! I guess I will be removing the divider more quickly than planned!

The chickens are definitely addicting! I want one of every kind! We are building a huge coop and run, and then starting to build an Old West Town for the coops, nesting boxes in which they will sleep and lay, and then they can go in the big run during the day. Has been an undertaking!
Gotta post pics of your town as it progresses...should be interesting
Local yokel and fireantfarm both have bdays next week
And obviously all of your activities are keeping. You young!
Thanks! I certainly don't feel like a grown up yet. I keep waiting for it.....

I think i"m a couple days behind Fire, but not sure when Local's is.
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