INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Glad birdy's back all in one piece.
Finally got the roof under paper; pressure's off a bit now. Starting to reconsider ribbed roofing, although it's more expensive; should go on a lot faster than shingles, shouldn't it?
ribbed you mean metal?


Anyone else see this?

I think I might know why...

MC where you go when I post, you always seem to get lost somewhere!  :he

I want to ask you for a good banana bread recipe!  one of the kids I used to watch, his mom used to make amazing choco chip banana cupcakes! I am so hungry for a good banana bread or something like it, but my family dont care for that banana stuff much!

I didn't see this until now. Byc... The current issues are almost funny! But I see Banti gave you what you wanted.
I am sorry I let you down. I was paying attention to Duckling.
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