INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I have had so many temp swings on this set of eggs, I feel like I have been tied down worrying about children again even though mine are grown.  I lock down today, I think I have eight silkies going strong.  I set 18 eggs and had 10 clear, the only one I am worried about is the one that was upside down the first ten days:rolleyes: .  I left the clears in to help hold my temps that have been so unstable the last few days.  I guess I should take them out before I lock down.  My Son in law already has a thermostat ready to install before I hatch again:lau  I am pretty sure they are tired of me saying I can't come over and watch the baby because my incubator is acting crazy.


T Good morning to you all.
External pip at the beginning of day 19??


Woot! Awesome Benny!! :ya

Or you could tame them, then they are very easy to catch! :D ;)

Bubbles?! What the he...... Hapend to your name?!
It's a day 17 on my big double yolker egg. The egg is mostly dark, but I can see movement on the side with the air sac and the utherside is just completely black so I can't see if there's any movement or not. I hope that at least get one chick out of this!

Well I've kicked the tires long enough. Time to park it. Night everybody.
@Sally Sunshine get better soon kid
why were you kicking tires? I feel much better this morning, cough is subsiding although the head is a bit rough.

Kristin it didnt pull your post but you need hugs
@Fire Ant Farm

@caeti21 you certainly do as well! I am so sorry about your hatches
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