INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Not so special there are a lot like you!

What is that?
Never mind, I probably don't want to know ......
Some pics of Hifa
Very nice. I'd love to visit. Are you near Hifa? What are the tall spikey things in the harbor? Are they cranes?
They have been turned with an automatic turner in said electric chair. Everything is looking pretty good today. Im hoping for a 50% hatch. Thanks for your response!
It is shocking I get any chicks out of it. I was going to put a couple of the eggs due today in a pedigree cage. When I went up to do so, there was already one out and 3 more pips/zips so I was too late. Worse yet, the temperature was 107. Normally when I see a spike like that, I immediately open the incubator to try to get the internal egg temp down quickly. I didn't want to do so since I didn't want to shrink wrap the others. I thought I came up with a good idea but I was mistaken. I put a vacuum on one of the large air holes. I was able to drop the temperature to 98 but then I realized, I brought in so much outside air so quickly, it was in effect like opening the incubator. I had another idea but it was too late by then. I have a funnel and tube system to fill the water channels from outside. I should have put some ice water in it to bring down the temp without lowering humidity.
good Luck!!
Thanks, we shall see. At least I know whatever chicks do manage to hatch should have good vigor.
You are very welcomed! You will find here very nice and welcoming people. In israel there is no such thing far away! All the length of Israel is less than 800 km, aprox. 500 miles! I live 60 km , 45 miles from it, we have only 3 marine ports in Israel which Hifa is the biggest.
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